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Another Interactive Button Question....


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If you have multiple Interactive Buttons (let's say five), and they each will play a separate and different sequence...if a second (or third and fourth) button were pushed before the first buttons' sequence had finished, can the second button sequence begin playing before the first finishes?

So in simple terms...can multiple sequences play at the same time?

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can the second button sequence begin playing before the first finishes?

Yes. Well, maybe. Depends what you mean. But:

So in simple terms...can multiple sequences play at the same time?

No. Or, maybe. Depends what you mean.

One overall rule, not just for interactive stuff but for LOR in general, is that at most one musical sequence can play at a time. So, if you mean multiple musical sequences, then the answer to your second question is no.

If you mean multiple sequences, then the answer to your second question is maybe - it depends upon whether they are musical sequences or not.

Regarding the first question, you can set up an interactive group so that when one of its triggers is triggered, it will immediately stop any sequence from that interactive group that happens to currently be playing, and start one associated with that trigger. So it depends on what you mean by "before the first finishes".

If you haven't done so already, I suggest taking a look at the help file page on interactive groups, which can be found at "Light-O-Rama Concepts" / "Shows" / "Interactive Groups". Or, if you happen to be using the latest version of software (2.6.2), the help file for it is available online, and you can see this page here:

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bob wrote:

Yes. Well, maybe. Depends what you mean. But...

No. Or, maybe. Depends what you mean.

LOL...I did mean musical sequences...but if that can't happen then I meant just sequences.

So it depends on what you mean by "before the first finishes".

I wanted the sequences to overlap. And when I say "sequences", what I really meant was probably just a 3-5 second burst of certain lights (with sound effects).

Thanks Bob!!


Just read the link you supplied...and it WILL NOT do what I would like it to do and that is have the ability to overlap sequences.

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