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Sequences run through show once then stops


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Does anyone have some ideas of why a show would run through once then stop?
I'm running on a Vista OS this year as compared to XP the last three. Had no issues
the last three. With Vista, the shows ran fine for the last three weeks, but here the other
night, we noticed that the show came to a halt. We can go in and disable the show and then
it will run, but as soon as the last song is done, it will stop again. We have deleted the
scheduled show and added them again, only to have the same situation come about?

Thanks for any responses,

Merry Christmas all

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For the last sequence that plays, open it with the Sequence Editor and shorten it by about 1/2 ( 0.5 ) seconds. To do that you open the sequence and then click Edit->Change Total Time and then reduce the time by a half a second. Then save the file. I think this will help in this situation and be less riskier than updating. There was a timing issue with 1.6.3 where if the sequence file and the audio file stopped out of order the sequence would never end. So make the change to the sequence that is hanging. You can change them all to be safe.

Best regards, Dan
Light O Rama, Inc.

Thanks Dan, this was our problem. I ended up having to go into each sequence and adjust
the Total Time.


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