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Song is too long

Tim Storey

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I'm half way through sequencing a song and I realized it's just too long.

Is there a way to save the sequencing I've done, go back to Audacity--> fade the song down close to where I'm currently at in the sequence--> and then import the saved sequencing into a new song using the faded Audacity version which would be about half of the song's original length.

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Take your audio file and do whatever you want with the editing, name it something different, when you open your sequence select "edit" "media file" and select you modified song. That should do it. If all is well save this new combonation.

Merry Christmas!

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What I have done many times is as follows:

Adjust length, audio level or whatever in your audio editor and save it under a different name.

The best bet is to create a NEW sequence using the modified song that way the length of the sequence will be shorter also.

Open up the original sequence and highlight the sequence from channel one, square one to the last square in the highest channel and copy it, just like copying text. Then open up the new sequence and paste it in there. The only thing is to make sure is that both sequences have the same timing period.

It's really that simple. Doing it this way will keep you from having a long song length with a shorten version.

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Thanks to both. My concern was that I used the tapper wizard and I want to be sure the timings are the same are the sequence won't make sense.

Right now, at my stage of learning, I'm having trouble with the beat wizard and tap wizard in getting the timing spaces I want. When all we had was the tap wizard in v. 1, I seem to remember that the grid was always .10 second spaces when you clicked on that timing when setting the sequence up.

That's another subject, but I guess that's my real concern is getting the same timings where the existing, copied sequence will match. I'll try the new sequence with copied sequencing and see what happens.

Thanks again.

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I've actually cut the middle out of one song (TSO Nutrocker, 2/3 of the Keith Emerson stylized boogie part) with light sequence stuff at the end. I had done most of the sequence build with the full length media file and decided that the song was too long and the part that I wanted to remove did not fit well.

I edited the media file in Sonar and noted the precise time points where I removed the portion of the music that was undesirable. Before I loaded the new, shorter media file, I again located the points in the LOR editor. I then performed a CUT of the section at the end of the sequence from one of the noted points to the end and pasted at the the other noted point (marked the start of the removed section). I use a .05 sec. timing grid making the location of these points fairly easy when used in conjunction with the wave file view. The timing results were dead on.

When editing audio files, you need a decent wave editor to get the timing (drum beats, note timings, etc.) results correct. I don't have a lot of experience with Audacity, but it seems capable of the task.

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