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Lights shutting off when not supposed to


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Every single night at 9:30 pm, my lights are shutting off. There is an error message that shows up on my computer saying that LOR is missing some DLL file. The lights play fine from 5:30 til 9:30. Then I restart the computer at 9:30 and they start up just fine until they are supposed to go off at 11 p.m. The show is supposed to go from 5:30 to 11 pm weekdays. Why would this DLL file just all of a sudden go away?

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What does the error message say, exactly, including the name of the DLL?

Does the error message occur at the time that the lights go out?

What operating system are you using?

What version of LOR?

What version of Windows Media Player?

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Wont be able to give the exact error message until it does it again tonight at 9:30. The lights go out when the error message occurs. Using Windows XP, LOR 2.6.0 and will have to check media player version when I get home.

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Last night I never got the chance to see what the dll error message was. At about 8:30, the lights shut off and I got a Windows message saying my virtual memory was too low. I had to restart the computer to get the lights to come back on.

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Sounds like a computer issue. Appears that something is eating up your memory, which is why it runs fine after a reboot.

What programs are running (look at your task manager)?

Click view, select columns, select virtual memory size.

Click VM size twice to sort your programs from largest to smallest use of virtual memory.

That should show you the offending program(s).

Steps to take to prevent:

Increase physical memory (RAM)
Increase virtual memory - swap file.

Do a search. There is a ton of info on the web.

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Also shut down all unnecessary programs, anything that eats resources that is not necessary. internet connection etc.....
I use my laptop for the shows. I have everything disabled, including my anti virus, anti spyware internet security program shutdown, screensaver, sleep mode......etc.

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It is showing a DLLhost.exe is the biggest offender. Firefox (because I had this open at the time) and my virus protection are the next two. I can close those. Explorer.exe is the next one, but it is down at 58688k. That dllhost is running 167896 k. Can I shut dllhost.exe down? I know I cant shut explorer down.

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Tonight, once again I did not get the DLL warning when the lights shut off...instead I got a different Windows error-- Out of String Space. Ever heard of that one????
Anyway, I think my 8 year old computer is on its last legs. Ordered a new Dell, but it wont be here until after this years show is over and taken down. Im going to try to buy some memory and add it to the computer, but Im beginning to think hooking jumper cables up to the computer might be the best thing. (That is supposed to be a joke...I guess it sounded funnier in my head than it did when I typed it.)

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DLLhost.exe can be one of two things. It's part of the windows operating system, however, it could also be a virus. Don't know enough to help you navigate around it.

Out of string space can also be memory related.

While you are waiting for your new computer, do you have the original XP disc? If so, you could reinstall the operating system. Since your computer is 8 years old, you won't be able to just reinstall the operating system, you will have do a clean install which means wiping your hard drive. It would take a couple of hours but you would have a good backup computer.

Another option to hold you over is enditall. You can download it here:


This program will shut down virtually everything that is not required to run Windows, giving you a cleaner system to run LOR.

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Thanks. Ill try that after this years show is over. As far as reinstalling XP, Im going to have to find that CD. I know I have it, but putting my hands on it right now might be an issue. I am going to stop by our IT department today and see if they have an older parts computer that has some matching memory I might be able to borrow until the new computer gets here. My wife is already telling me that she does not want me installing the light system on the new computer....but I will have a full year to change her mind. The new computer will have 9 gig of memory....so I should have plenty on that beast.

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