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MP3 Controller sound problem

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Hey guys, I need a little help - I downloaded a musical sequence to my MP31602 Controller and tied in 32 channels of lights to test. But when I start my sequence, the lights run the program but I can not get any sound out of the 1/8" stereo jack? I hooked up an Altec powered apeaker system to it, to test but no sound?

Does anyone have any suggestions?

I tested the altec speaker system on my laptop and it worked great.

Any help would be awesome.

Thanks, Bill

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You said that you downloaded it to the LOR1602MP3.... Does that mean that you used the new hardware utlities MP3 tab and created a show, copied those files to a memory card and put the memory card in the MP3 player.

If you created a show with a single musical sequence, you should have had 2 files in your MP3SHOW folder ( FILE01.SEQ and FILE01.MP3 )... It soulds like the FILE01.MP3 file was not copied to the memory card.

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Dan, who can I contact to ask questions regarding the MP3 1602? I have questions and need help with a few things - what would be the best way for help?

Thanks, Bill Sawallisch Jr.

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Bill Jr. wrote:

Dan, who can I contact to ask questions regarding the MP3 1602? I have questions and need help with a few things - what would be the best way for help?

Thanks, Bill Sawallisch Jr.

Hi Bill,

You can email info@lightorama.com.... Make sure you have read the little section in the MP3 user guide that says how to setup the SD card for the MP3 player.
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