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Question for Dan

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I just finished building my CTB-16D Kit. Instructions are great - only suggestion is that unless there's a reason they're written the way they are, I'd suggest installing the ICs before the resistor networks due to the height of the resistor networks.

My question is regarding the version of the hardware utility on the CD with the USB hardware drivers. I hooked up my board using this version and it found the board but could not identify the type of board or firmware version. I opened the "old" version of the hardware utility and it identified the board with no problem. I suspect that this version is for LOR II and won't identify the old firmware? I thought I had done something wrong before I tried the old version of the hardware utility.


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I will pass the idea about the ic sockets before he resistor networks to the guy who maintains the instructions.

Not sure why the new hardware utility didn't understand your firmware version. Did you get any errors when you clicked refresh. The reason I ask is that there is a devices file that the new hardware utility may not locate if it is not placed in the same location as the rest of the LOR programs. But if it didn't find that file it should have complained.

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Ah - yes it did complain about some file, but I just ignored it...perhaps that's the problem. The file doesn't exist with the old version I suppose? Not a big deal, just had me wondering if my board was messed up. Thanks.

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I had a file that the hardware utility claimed to be missing as well. It was the file "LOR_DeviceFile.txt". As long as the file-missing error appeared, no controllers could be found. Strangely, it listed the location of the file as:

C:Program FilesLOR DemoLOR_DeviceFile.txt

(presumably left over from the demo version installation) instead of the correct path:

C:Program FilesLORLOR_DeviceFile.txt

After a brief search through the registry, I found this key:


and the values stored for AppPath, AudioPath, and NonAudioPath reflected the old (Demo) locations. I corrected the values and suddenly the controllers showed up on refresh. And no error message.


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Interesting, I'll give that a try. When I posted the question for Dan, I was no longer at my LOR machine, but I believe that's the name of the file it was looking for. I'll double check my registry entries...Thanks for the tip.

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As an aside, it appears that at least some of the problems I've heard about when installing LOR (paid) over the demo version may simply be the result of the demo paths remaining in the registry and not being updated.


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As a matter of fact I do have photos. Last year was the first year I actually took some good photos. I was only using 80 channels of control last year. I just bought 2 new control boards (built one last night, the other was pre-assembled). For photos go to http://photos.tomskillman.com/photopage.php?eventinfo=2005-12-20_Christmas+Display+2005. This year will end up different - my venue has changed. I've actually got a lot more space, so we'll see how things end up.

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