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Nova5 wrote:

its a Trial(DRM) setup. It'll stop working after the holidays. Itunes = Devil and is why i didn't provide it.

Course anything that = Apple, = Devil.

And what happens if you convert it to a .wav format and save it to a different folder?
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I just copied 1 of the iTunes .m4a files from my main computer to my LOR Show computer and it played perfectly fine. When I ran Daniusoft's Digital Music Converter on the downloaded files, it didn't recognise any of them as being DRM protected. I think they are clean music files.

Attached files 191877=10757-iTunes DRM Search.PNG

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Size increase I know, I was referring to the DRM. I wonder if converting it cancels out the DRM. We can use .wav in LOR.
I guess I'll find out in 21 days

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There is no DRM on the music files. If there was, I wouldn't have been able to play them on my show computer. As for the conversion, yes, that would normally work, but if they are DRM protected, most software won't convert them. I use the Daniusoft Digital Music Converter because it's one of the few converters that is designed to remove the DRM.

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