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how long is my show???


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Yes, that is true. But it is after the fact, and while helpful it's not nearly as convenient as it would be to have that information while planning your show(s). It seems to me that it would be a fairly simple thing for LOR to incorporate somewhere in the show builder or editor.

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That's a great idea. I found out that what I thought was the correct timing is not. My show is running long by about 2 minutes each. So at the end of the night it's way off. I only figured out what was wrong from the status log. It would be awesome if it could be included in the Show Editor, just have a running total time of show.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have created an Excel (2003) spreadsheet that does show time calculations. I checked it against my currently running show and found it to be +/- about ~5 seconds after a show lasting almost an hour.

The spreadsheet can be downloaded from the link below. This download site is a free service, but non-premimum members may have to wait up to a minute to begin the download and endure several popups and/or popunder ads, just close them. I've not had any virus or other problems downloading from this site -- however, your mileage may vary.


Some versions of Excel may NOT have the time calculation plug-in installed. You might have to find the appropiate plug in to get the time calculation function to work.

Hope this helps.

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  • 3 months later...

UPDATED LINK TO FILE. Please scroll down until you find the lastest post with the link. That one should work. Files only stay posted on the site for 90 days.


I have created an Excel (2003) spreadsheet that does show time calculations. I checked it against my currently running show and found it to be +/- about ~5 seconds after a show lasting almost an hour.

The spreadsheet can be downloaded from the link below. This download site is a free service, but non-premimum members may have to wait up to a minute to begin the download and endure several popups and/or popunder ads, just close them. I've not had any virus or other problems downloading from this site -- however, your mileage may vary.


Some versions of Excel may NOT have the time calculation plug-in installed. You might have to find the appropiate plug in to get the time calculation function to work.

Hope this helps.

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