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enable a show without controlling lights


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On the computer that I edit and build all my sequences I would like to enable a show to check and see if it runs (doing a little expermitation) this computer has no serial port and has no LOR controllers hooked up to it. It is running v. 2.6.0. Is there a way to run shows without opening the serial port?


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I don't think so. But why would you want too? The only thing you can see when the show runs is the status window in the control panel.

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You can't do it without opening the serial port, but you can do it by unplugging the Cat5 from the adapter.

Actually, you may be able to set your "LOR Network" port to 'none', but I haven't tried that...

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that is what I thought but the same (or similar) message pops up when I try to open the hardware utility.


I am working on something for next year and am doing it on another computer so I don't mess the show up while it is running. Just experminenting a bit. It has to do with changing the show files on the fly so when one completes a different one will start.


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