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LOR Communication Problems... Please HELP..


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My LOR controller is not staying connected to the software.

OK... This my first year and last nights show was great!!!! But to day I installed windows service pack 3 and now my LOR controller won't stay connected to the computer.

When I run the sequence editor my lights don't work.
I go to the hardware setup and have to click the refresh button because LOR doesn't remember my setup. I then test the lights and they work, but after I exit hardware and open the sequence editor I get nothing. no lights.

also when i click on my control panel it says my next show is at 12:00am. but in my scheduler it says i should have a show at 5:30pm ..

It's all screwy....

ANY HELP would be greatly appreciated...

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Are the shows enabled in your control panel?Also check your scheduler for any mistakes at all any little ones

Also in sequence editor under PLAY make sure {control lights} is checked to make your lights come on when playing sequence

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If you are using the USB adapter, I would start by installing the latest FTDI chip drivers.

After that, I'm not sure what to suggest short of uninstalling, and reinstalling.

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Check your scheduler for tonight and try to schedule a show to start at a certain time and see if it starts Don't forget to save it first before exiting

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JDM_ wrote:

When I run the sequence editor my lights don't work.
I go to the hardware setup and have to click the refresh button because LOR doesn't remember my setup. I then test the lights and they work, but after I exit hardware and open the sequence editor I get nothing. no lights.

Does the hardware utility come up on the wrong com port? If it had to change com ports to find the controllers, and test, did you get the pop up asking if this was the port to use for shows? If so, did you click yes?

In the sequence editor, under edit/preferences/network, does it show the correct com port to get to the hardware?
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the port says com 3 which is where i have it set. during the original setup it told me com port 1 wouldn't work so i switched it to 3.

In the sequence editor, under edit/preferences/network it does show com port 3.

right now i am using LOR hardware test to have them steady on.
I am very disappointed and hope i can figure this out soon.

Should I uninstall LOR and reinstall? I'm a Mac guy and I know windows computers can be touchy. Uninstalling and reinstalling might work but i just don't want to do that unless i have to.

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OK.... I got the lights running in the sequence editor. Control Lights was no checked.

I still can not get my show to play. I scheduled another show for now and saved it but when I click LOR control panel to get status it says next show is scheduled for 12am....

Any ideas in this?

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JDM_ wrote:

OK.... I got the lights running in the sequence editor. Control Lights was no checked.

I still can not get my show to play. I scheduled another show for now and saved it but when I click LOR control panel to get status it says next show is scheduled for 12am....

Any ideas in this?

What day and time does it show it to start?

Go to that area in your scheduler and edit it or delete it then save it ?

Then try to enter another day and time then save it again
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I'm assuming you started working since you haven't posted again since sacrifing a critter :)

I'm having a similar problems that is giving me grey hair and hope someone can help on. It's my 4th year, and I have yet to get this going without loosing my mind first.

This year - had to get a new computer, so obviously, had to install fresh the LOR software. After much trouble getting Windows 7 to cooperate with the USB assignment, i can finally test my controllers just fine. Lights up all nice and pretty. Then I go to run a show that I ran last year. Yes all sequences and music have been loaded to the show editor. I enable shows, the controller light goes solid and nothing happens. No music no lights.

So 3 days, new pc, new grey hairs, lots of prozac later.....i'm pleading to the knowledge Gods for help and illumination in my head to illuminate my yard :)


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Cindy, have you tried running the Light-O-Rama Verifier? It does a pretty good job of making sure everything is where it needs to be. (You might have to ignore a bunch of less concerning errors like Channel Not Used In Sequence)

Also, click on the LOR icon to show the Status window. It should at least be showing it is trying to play a show.

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JDM_ wrote:

I must of angered the LOR Godz!!!!

Well I finally got the scheduler working and what do you know...

About an hour before show time.... rain....

now my GFI is tripping again....

Did you find what was wrong with scheduler? share with others what you found for future references
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I must say, I am using my saved shows from years 2006 and 2008. They look ok in the musical sequence section, they play singularly fine on the sequence editor. So i know the previous shows were good working shows.

Since the light stays solid red on the controllers when the show is enabled, i want to believe it is trying to transmit. However, nothing plays on the radio, and no lights go flashing. Now my own bulb is burned out too :)

I'm using only LOR purchased sequences, so those were always good. (look fabulous too by the way). Only change is a new computer, with windows 7 64 bit.

Anyone using those specs?

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What version are you running on your computer just open your sequence editor it will tell you at the top

The old license ran out a few months ago You have to contact LightoRama with your old email account

If you don't have it contact them and they will help you to get going

If you don't you will not be able to run shows won't cost you anything to upgrade it

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License key is in LOR sequence editor, help, about LOR. It should tell your your key number. If you don't have one, the lights will not work. Also verifier is under All programs, LOR, and verify. IT will check all seq. and tell your any problem. My first run on it, it found 963 errors. Mostly channel off so nothing major

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