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Controler problem update


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I disconnected the controller form the chain, took it in, and conected it to my show PC. In the Hardware utility it recognizes it as unit 1 (even thought the dial is set to unit 9). I also noticed its firmware is 4.4 all of my controllers are 4.32, which is the highest in the firmware folder. Could these be the problem and how can I fix it?

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Try setting the controller to another number anyone for know?

Also at the right of your hardware utility for Max. Units . What number do you have is it more than than 8 if not change it to a higher number like 15 had made that mistake myself earlier last week

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I believe the jumper Chuck is referring to tells the controller's processor that the ID switches are not fitted and should not be read (even if they are physically on the board).



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I think it is time for a LOR support email. There is no jumper on the 18 pinpart of the board(I thought there was), just the power jumpers. I reset the controller (took it to 00 then reset the id to 09) and it still will not recognize the controller as anything except for controller 01. I am at my end with this thing.

Right now all I can do is switch this with my number 1 controller and the set my current 1 to 9. Not fun since it is in one of my megatrees.

If anyone else has any other ideas, let me know.

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Power the controller down. Spin both of the rotary switches through all the numbers a few times. Then reset to 09. Power up and see if it's reconized now.

Regarding the firmware, for most controllers ver 4.32 is the most current. For your NEW controller, due to hardware changes, it is ver 4.4 which is correct for it only.

Any questions PM me, I'll try to help you trouble shoot a few things.

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The firmware difference should not be an issue. I now have about 30 CTB16PC V1 controllers on 4.32 running nicely with about a dozen CTB16PC V2 controllers running 4.40.. No issues seen at all..

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