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help for a second year newbie


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I have several songs I coded last year. I try to open them this year and they seem to not respond. Does anyone have experience with this? I'm sure it is probabably a simple solution. I'm stuck with only one sequence this year until I can recover some of previous years work.

All help is much appreciated,

Thank you

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Would you give more detail on "they seem not to respond", is it in the sequence editor that you are having the issue? Is the one sequence that is working a new one, or is it from you last years batch?

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The specific error message I get when trying to open a file from last year is... "Error opening file". The error box does not stay up for long before going away without the file loading. Attached is a one of my sequences from last year i was hoping to bring in and modify for the 32 channels I have this year.

Thank you,


Attached files Do You hear what I hear 2008.lms

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Alan C wrote:

I have v2.6.2 of the software. I can open the sequence ok. The only error I get is because I do not have the audio track that goes with it.



Same here, the file has a -8 version, what version LOR 2 are you using to open this file?
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