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Simple Show Builder VS Show Editor Questions


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I need some insight from some of you. I'll tell you what I have first and I need the best way to achieve what I want to do.
I have 29 sequences, a THX intro and a bunch of voiceovers from the Demented Elf.
I know SSB is the easiest and I set up this way to get the system going this year at least to start with.
I plugged in the THX intro and followed it with the open voiceover. Then installed my sequences and remaining voiceovers in the order I wanted. Problem 1.... You can only put them in once as they pull from the available seq file on the left as you install them in the SSB. So they loop, meaning I couldn't put my close voiceover in since the show ends up playing through about 3 times. It also means the THX intro and open voice over starts each new loop. I want the show to play 5-10 on S-Thurs and till 11 on Fri-Sat. So I'd like to go THX and open voiceover to start and then plug in my sequences and other voiceovers accordingly. This way I can only have the start to open the night and then the close voiceover in the end. I also want to be able to adjust the length say If I'm running 5 minutes long to be able to remove a 5 minute sequence from one of the loops to get me on ending time. Can all this be done easily enough? I see in Show editor you have a startup and close tab which I'm guessing is where the THX and open Voiceover goes and the close voiceover at the end. But does it still only allow you to physically put in the sequence only once and it just plays the list until the scheduled time is up?

And IF that is the case if you have the opening work scheduled for 5 and the close at the end, scheduled go on at 10 thru the week and 11 on Fri-Sat, does the current sequence play to end and at that point the close gets tacked on? Say it's 9:57 and a 4 minute seq is next. Would it play to the end and the Close voiceover tack on at say 10:01? Same for Fri and Sat then I'm guessing?

One last unrelated question... When I did my seq I cut the time at the end just after the music ended as some have up to 10 or 15 seconds of dead air. When a seq ends how much time is there normally before the next one starts. Last year a punched in 5 seconds and a few said it was too long. But if you go tight wouldn't they not seem to run in to each other? Thanks up front for the help !! Other than having to run three times the extension cords and dealing with more sequences and adding the voiceovers it's been nice to get everything pugged in and punch up a seq on seq editor and play it and see the new hardware all works and does what it supposed to do. Last year I think I was on here asking how you blow your nose while you try to do all of this stuff ;o)


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Here's my understanding on how things work. Hopefully, if I'm wrong someone will come along and correct me before I get you into any difficulties. You're right - the SSB will only allow you to enter each sequence once. To me, that's a problem and I hope someone from LOR will put that on a list of things that need changing. So that means that you should build the show however minimally you want, save it, and then go to the show editor and make changes. The show editor will alow you to enter sequences as often as you wish and also allows you to move things up and down and even delete things. (The schedule editor will allow you to set the beginning and ending times of shows more precisely than the SSB allows.)

When you open the show editor, you'll see that all the sequences you entered in the SSB will be in the musical sequence tab. You'll also see tabs for startup and shutdown sequences. My understanding is that whatever sequence(s) you put in the startup tab will play only once when your show begins. Whatever sequences that are in the musical tab will loop until the ending time of your show. When that time is reached, the sequence currently playing will finish and then whatever sequence(s) you place in the Shutdown tab will play once and then the show ends.

The amount of time between sequences varies. There are a couple of active threads at this time dealing with this issue. From my perspective, it is a huge problem and one I hope LOR does something about yesterday. In general, depending on the number of channels, tracks and the length of the sequence, you can expect up to 15 seconds between sequences during the first loop through whatever you have in your musical sequence section. Subsequent loops have only 1-2 seconds between sequences (unless you specify more time in the show editor) but be advised that the first time through it can seem like forever when you're standing in the yard waiting. And that same thing occurs with each show if you're scheduling multiple different shows each night. Every night so far this season I've seen people drive off thinking the show was finished and then see them throw it into reverse and back up when they see the lights come back on. It seems the software is tilted towards people with 16 channel controllers and short simple sequences. It's too bad that those of us who do more than the minimum have to pay the price of LOR pandering to the lowest common denominator.

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Thanks right away. You back up what my thoughts are with using the Show Editor. It is so easy to set it up in SSB other than the only once limitation. I was outside last night hooking up more elements after Annika went down but while I was taking care of her noticed the first loop took exactly 1 hr and 45 minutes, ending at 6:45. The next ended at right about 8:30 so they are close. The third loop ended of course at a minute after 10 pm, my cut out, with Techno Jingle Bells. And in adding up what was left on my playlist there was about 15 minutes across the songs left, and probably a voiceover for sure. So I was pretty close in adding minutes and seconds up as I figured right about that hour and 45 minutes per loop. Now I think I should just have to go to Editor and remove the THX and open voiceover and put it in Start up and then tack my close at the end. May lengthen the program time as I'm not sure I want the night to end on Techno. I'll have to see where the 11:00pm on Fri-Sat gets me.

Now off to get more cords. Burned 2000' of Zip and only have about 12, 20' cords left and a few 6's and still have 30 channels to hook up....


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I'm a newbie. I have read everyones comments and believe this applies to me. It sounds like, what you are talking about I would like to do as well. But I'm "really" lost. I wish someone could put it in duh, terms, lol. I have not made a seq. yet. I have been luck to find ones on the internet that will work for me, so far...

Thanks Ray

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ny_yankee_25 wrote:

But I'm "really" lost. I wish someone could put it in duh, terms, lol.

Can you be a bit more specific what it is that's losing you. I know last year I was pretty confounded by the scheduler, etc but somewhere between then and now I seem to have figured it out. I'll help a fellow Yankee fan if I can.
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