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Rock Sequence - Spiraling - Do you hear what I hear...


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I couldn't find this song on Amazon MP3, did see it on iTunes. Does the iTunes version work with LOR? I've always avoided iTunes tracks since they aren't standard MP3s, never was sure if everything was DRM free etc.

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Sthunder69 wrote:

I use this sequence in my 9pm Rock show. It is the BOMB and I suggest you give it a spin. I put it up as it was requested. It is 32 channels, modified (I believe) from LORSequences.


The song "Do you hear what I hear" used by this sequence, is sung by which artist? There are so many artists who sing that song listed at Amazon.com
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Tom L. wrote:

Sthunder69 wrote:
I use this sequence in my 9pm Rock show. It is the BOMB and I suggest you give it a spin. I put it up as it was requested. It is 32 channels, modified (I believe) from LORSequences.


The song "Do you hear what I hear" used by this sequence, is sung by which artist? There are so many artists who sing that song listed at Amazon.com

It looks like the group is actually called Spiraling.
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As I recall, I first downloaded the Christmas single as a free promotional download on their site and at the recommendation of USA Today. Therefore, I don't feel too bad about pointing you to somewhere that the audio can be found. But as always... if you use it, you should go to their site and buy the 3 song ep for $4.99.


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