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All lights on


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Hello I have read a couple of different threads similar to this but due to time just want to make sure I am understanding what they are saying. I want to have all the lights on, then at say 6:00 fade out completely, do a show of about 4-5 since that is all I will have time to get ready this year, then at the end of the show put all the lights back on until 7:00 and start the sequence all over. What I think I am supposed to do it:

Create an animation sequence to do say a 5 second fade out

Have my 5 songs done- say total time is 21 min 30 seconds

Create an animation sequence for all lights on for the remainder of the hour, which in this case is 60 min minus 21 min 35 seconds so it needs to be 38 min 25 seconds

In musical tab setup my show








Then I schedule this show to run at 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10:00pm

Will this do it ? ? Now that I am thinking about it more it seems like I don't want a separate AnimationLightFade.las but I should rather add it to the last 5 seconds of my AnimationAllOn.Las ? thanks for the help !

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This is my first year of non-static display. Since I will only have a few songs ready I didn't want to just repeat 4-5 songs over and over. And I was also looking to ease the neighbors into my new hobbie so I thought 20+ minutes of blinky blinky and then 40 minutes of static would help :)

Next year I'll plan earlier and hopefully have a full show ready. thanks

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dharker wrote:

In musical tab setup my show








Then I schedule this show to run at 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10:00pm

This should work. remembering that your animationALLON.las will have to be 38min 25 sec. in length or things will get very dark! :D

I would use the simple show builder to schedule shows running every hour. As opposed to doing it in the schedule editor. Way easier!
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Thanks- I have not used either the simple show builder or the schedule editor yet so don't know what I am getting into but thanks for the info !

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now im confused....when i put in a show into the show editor it asked me if i wanted lights on or off after the show, i indicated to turn them on. Am i missing something here or is that for something else???

thanks ... roscoe

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roscoe39 wrote:

when i put in a show into the show editor it asked me if i wanted lights on or off after the show, i indicated to turn them on. Am i missing something here or is that for something else???

Depends what your trying to accomplish.
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wow...quick answer...thanks...im trying to have the lights just on and steady in between shows. Im only playing one song a show and a different show every 15 minutes.

The songs are all different lengths so doing an animation for say ...10 minutes wouldnt work because some songs are 3 minutes, some are 8...

appreciate your help

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Doing an animation will work because when the next show starts it will cut it off. Musical sequences are allowed to finish but animations are not.

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Darryl Lambert wrote:

Doing an animation will work because when the next show starts it will cut it off. Musical sequences are allowed to finish but animations are n:Pot.

ahhhhhh...great.....problem solved..i didmy know that...thanks.:P
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