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Simple Show Builder VS Scheduler


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Finally got around to looking at and making a schedule for my display this year...

Just a quick question...perhaps I have the answer already, though I couldn't find it anywhere in the "HELP".

When using the "Simple Show Builder", does it start the schedule you created in the "Builder" the day you "Enable Shows" and then plays until you "Disable Shows"?

And if I built a schedule with the "Builder" and changed one day using the "Schedule Editor", will that cancel all the shows created in the "Builder" and now just play the one day I changed in the "Schedule Editor"?

Or use the schedule created by the "Simple Show Builder" AND the change I made using the "Schedule Editor"?

Clear as mud?

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To be honest, I have only looked at the simple show builder. I would doubt that both of these would work together. The show scheduler, while a little clunky, is the way to go (for me).

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