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media file


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This will be my third year with LOR. My first year was a success but, in my second year I upgraded the software version to 2.2 I think and then my sequence stop playing at all and since it was late I end up manually turning my lights on which I was really disappointed at that. Now I upgrade the software to LOR S2. My old sequence still exist but everytime I tried to play the sequence it says, "Cannot find media file". I need some help. I don't want to loose any of the sequences I have like eight of them. What I am doing wrong? Maybe someone can direct me to one of the forums. Thanks.

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Open up the sequence in the sequence editor. Click "Edit -> Media File" and re-select the media file for that sequence.

Sounds like when you upgraded, the location of your audio/sequences moved. LOR couldn't find the audio file, which is why you were getting the error message.

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Steve and Pete,

I tried that. I am not very good with computer. I must be missing something. Now I had the song in MP3. I am not sure if this causng the problem.

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It is not missing. When I open the sequence editor I click on existing file and all my file are in their. I pick one of the file and hit play and thats when it says cannot find media file.

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I believe that if you try edit, media file and click on the song, ie reimporting back to the sequence. If I'm making sense to ya If not pm me and I will call and try to help

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did you rename your media file, or move its location to another folder. you may have to rediect LOR to the new name or location.

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