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Export Channel Config to Excel


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Is there a way to export the channel config so i can open it in Excel. i wan to print the config, but i wan to do a custom print, one from roof, one for other areas, etc.


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chartrand wrote:

Is there a way to export the channel config so i can open it in Excel.  i wan to print the config, but i wan to do a custom print, one from roof, one for other areas, etc.


There are several steps but I can get you there. You will have to edit the file a little.

Export your config file.
Open in notepad and remove all the tracks and animation leaving only the channels

The resulting file should look like this.

.... All the rest of your channels.

Save AS yourconfig.XML (Note the XML extension)
Now you can either open the file from Excel or right click and use OpenWith and select Excel

Excel doesn't know what to do unless you select "Open as a read only workbook" when the question pops up.

You will want to remove some columns and rearrange and sort them. Unfortunately the Color is not in a usable form. After formatting you must save AS again with a new name.
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I did it the long way....
retyped everything
Then printed each controller's list and taped it inside so I know what goes to what.

Taken a week just to run 32 extension cords.

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