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Promote Show

Jim Hans

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This is my first year putting together an LOR show. From reading the forums, it appears many of you guys are old hands at this. I'm sure the people around where you live look forward to stopping by your house each year to enjoy your Christmas show. Past visits and word of mouth bring the people to your home. My question is this...

In your first year, how did you promote what you did? Do people just stumble upon your house, see the sign for the radio and stop to watch? I've put some work into my first time project and would like others to enjoy it. Even though I have had a lot of fun doing this and like the results (at least I think so.. I'm not quite done yet) I have this fear that not one single person will stop to watch it. How did you get the word out?

Thanks in advance for your thoughts.

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Create a press release stating it's a free show and some particulars including your contact info. Issue that press release to local newspapers, TV stations, and radio stations. Many of them will post it in their community events calendars. The newspapers and TV stations may also contact you for a small story if you're lucky.

Also, contact the local schools and see if you could be mentioned in their school newspaper/newsletter so that parents and children know about it. Include times, location and any particulars.

Good Luck this season and, most of all, have fun and be safe!

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I sent an email out to all the local tv stations and invited them to a "Pre Thanksgiving Night Lighting" (Mon thru Wed) so they could video my display and then use the video in their Thanksgiving night newscasts...

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A word of caution on getting the word out. Sometimes you can get too much traffic. Search the boards and there are lots of stories of those that wish they didn't have the traffic problems, etc.

Most of the old timers will tell you that natural organic traffic (I sound like an SEO!) is much better than a flood all at once. If you build traffic over the years, your neighbors have more time to get used to and learn to love your display first, before the problems come. Then if there are driveway blockers, honkers, etc. later, they are much more likely to work with you to help solve the problem.

I've done my animated display for 5 years and traffic has grown steadily over the years, and I've never posted a video, no website, nothing. All word of mouth. I only get a fraction of some other peoples traffic, but I only get a fraction of the problems as well.

There is an Ego component to what we do. On rare occasions I find myself jealous of a Richard Holdman or Marty Slack. But then when I hear Richard had to man his display nightly and hire traffic controllers, I quickly snap back.

Since this is your first year, I would suggest if you have to put the word out, just do it slowly, so you can stop if you run into issues. Remember, you can't unring a bell. Once the word is out, you can't take it back... Carson had his display shutdown. Richard did too. I would be heart broken if someone told me to shutdown...


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Jeremy Wiles wrote:

I've done my animated display for 5 years and traffic has grown steadily over the years, and I've never posted a video, no website, nothing. All word of mouth. I only get a fraction of some other peoples traffic, but I only get a fraction of the problems as well.


Well said. I totally aggree 105%...I have neighbors and freinds who really want to call the news, and I tell them DON'T. This is my 4th year, and except just 1 or 2 cars every couple of minutes on high volume weekends, and I like it just like that. Last year I had maybe 2-3 dozen a night during the week nights, and have had no complaints from neighbors. Would like to keep it that way.

I have had a local news contact me, and I turned them away, and will so in the future. Biggest fear I have is THEFT. THe more that know it, the higher the chances.

Have fun, "Build it, and the will come"

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Last year my kids wanted to spread the word through school. It was nixed by the school. Most local newspapers hold contests. I rely on word of mouth.

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Last year was my first year. We put flyers at our Local City Hall and my daughters school(she was in 5th). I was lucky enough that the city specific channel took my videos and ran them during the season like commercials. On the 24th and 25 we stayed outside and handed out candy canes we gave out 400. This year I have gad 1100 new hits on my website with 2000 revisits approx. I am only going to do fliers at City Hall and School this year. I think it is going to be busy. Good Luck Everyone!!!

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Guest wbottomley

I use word of mouth, business cards in local businesses, and the local radio & tv do plug it.

Here's my cards:


The local tv part, it's hard to ignore since I work in it, lol.

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It is a case by case basis on how you promote your display.

We used to contact the media the first 2 years we did a show, now they just show up and ask me comment on every story regarding christmas lights. I have even been asked to comment on led lights in the business section of the local paper.

You have to think of your neighbors first. If you are on a dead end street, do not call the media. imagine 300 cars on your street and how upset your neighbors will be.

We see anywhere from 500 to 1000 cars nightly, and we have the perfect setup in the neighborhood to move traffic right along. But there have been many displays shut down by the authorities for causing a neighborhood disturbance. I would suggest for your first year, see how the traffic is for the first 2 weeks before you put the word out. People will find out about your display from word of mouth, and before you know it, you will be declining interviews from the media to keep your neighborhood a sane place to live year round


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I live in a cul de sac about half way through my neighborhood. We put a small sigh at the corner of our street that said "Christmas Light Show" with an arrow pointing toward our way. We had people come but not too many which is good considering I do live in a cul de sac. I am sure word of mouth will bring more this year but like some of the others have said I don't want too many. I have one neighbor who doesn't like me as it is b/c he doesn't like my beagle. Well he doesn't like my beagle when it sees a cat or a mole. That little bitty thing has some pipes on him. LOL

The people who did come really enjoyed the display and that is all I am after, smiles and bright eyes. I only had 16 channels last year but I think I made the most of the 16. I will have 32 this year and if I expand again I think I might have to get more power installed.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I live in a Cul de sac also. The last 2 years, I have just spread the word. (btw, this is my 3rd year this year.. So its still fairly newish..)

This year, I'm thinking about telling the news stations for a special preview on wednesday night, then the official opening of Winter Light! on Thanksgiving day. :D

I'm also going to hand out flyers to my neighbors.

I'm hoping to get more 'natural' traffic. Normally, only the people I told come. I don't have alot of people every night. I hope to change that this year.

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I actually have a Demented Elf voiceover that says (in part) "Oh, and could you do us a favor? Please, don't tell your friends about us. Let's keep this our secret."

I doubt it will have any effect. :)

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Just turn the lights on and the word will get out! Words of caution: DON’T advertise unless you want traffic jams, angry neighbors, and more people than you can handle!

When done right, LOR displays are really cool and attract a lot of people. Unfortunately, they can attract to many people and cause a lot of friction between you and your neighbors!

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Listen to the experience here. I do not advertise and I get plenty of traffic. I'm lucky to have neighbors that love the show and want to advertise but I keep warning them that if they enjoy the way it is now the they should keep quiet. It may sound selfish but it's actually the opposite.

I know a guy near by who advertised and ended up having to stand out side and direct traffic around Christmas time. Richard Holdman type traffic!

I prefer to sit inside and enjoy the show, without paying off duty police officers to direct traffic.

If you really want to do it then start with putting your house in the paper if they have a list of houses to go see.

Just be sure you neighbors are going to be ok with traffic if you do advertise.

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Lots of good advice being given here. I've had to do the traffic directing thing for 3 years in a row, and it does get old to be honest. We've only had one newspaper story and no TV time this year, and traffic has been perfect. Only backed up about 2 blocks at most, which is about a 25 minute wait or so. Other than one car that parked in a neighbors driveway across the street that I had to chase away, I haven't had to deal with the traffic at all so far this year. It's nice being able to hang out with my family instead of being outside all of the time. And, the donations havent suffered much as a result of less TV either.

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