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Edit Show on MP3 Director SD Card?


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Using the MP3 Director is a very convenient way to run a mix of sequences without the headache of sharing a PC, or the cost of dedicating a PC. But programming the shows on the MP3 Director is not particularly convenient when those shows get longer and more complex.

As I have added shows that run different sequences at different times, and long strings of sequences within a show to "force" a show length, I have found having to rebuild each show in the Hardware Utility from scratch - even just to change the time of day the show runs - to be really tedious and (user) error prone. I'm not looking for more functionality on the Director card - just an easier way to maintain it.

Is there a way to edit an existing show on an MP3 Director SD Card? Ideally I would like to be able to pull a SHOWnn back into the Hardware Utility. If not I'll ask for that as a future enhancement. Lacking that, is there a clever programmer out there who has a utility that would allow the show control files on the SD Card to be read, updated and re-written?

Thanks for the consideration.

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I suspect that adding an ability to save/load a show on the MP3 director tab makes more sense than trying to read it back off the card. Send an email to wishlist@lightorama.com with as detailed an explanation of the issue you are trying to solve, and how you think it could be solved.

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