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Odd problem....


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Here is an odd one....

Have had my Halloween show going for a while now and show was starting and stopping at the appointed times. (10pm on weeknights and 11pm on Friday and Saturday)

I had redone the sequence on Friday night and it did stop at the correct time on Friday but then last night, coming home at 2am, the show was still going.

What would cause this issue?

Am I destined to stay at my house until January???

Thanks in advance!


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Guest wbottomley

mjchawks1 wrote:

Here is an odd one....

Have had my Halloween show going for a while now and show was starting and stopping at the appointed times. (10pm on weeknights and 11pm on Friday and Saturday)

I had redone the sequence on Friday night and it did stop at the correct time on Friday but then last night, coming home at 2am, the show was still going.

What would cause this issue?

Am I destined to stay at my house until January???

Thanks in advance!


Try disabling your shows then re-enable.
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mjchawks1 wrote:

Am I destined to stay at my house until January???

Thanks in advance!


Only to come out and hang more lights...Welcome to light a-hol-lics
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