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Help with marking different timing grids in tracks


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Hi all, need some more help if I can please. In my main track, I like to use a .10 timing grid. However, for other tracks like a mega tree or leaping arches, I like to use .05 timing. The problem I would like to solve is I have my beats marked using the tapper wizard in my main track with .10 timing, and I would like to copy and paste it to another track that has .05 timing. As you all know, it does not place the beats where they should correctly go because of the different timing. What is the easiest solution for that problem?

Thanks in advance.

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Is there a reason to copy and paste, rather than copying that channel to the other track? Then the contents are one and the same, and changes made in either track show up in both...

If you prefer to keep them separate, there should be a setting under edit, to past by time, instead of by cell.

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Also, while I am thinking about it, for mega trees, fields of mini trees, leaping light arches, and other element groups that you want to move with the beat, I would tend towards using free form timing grids, with timings at the start/end of the measure or beat that you want the motion to occur in. Then subdivide by the number of elements in that group, to give yourself a nice even set of timings for that specific motion.

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When I try to copy the channel to the new track, it takes the .10 timing and changes it to .05 timing to match the new track. It would just be nice to be able to copy the beats over to the new track instead of having to re-time them. I like to sequence in .10 timing, but my mega tree and leaping arch effects are better sequenced using .05 for faster movement. I'm sure there has to be a way to do this. Do we think paste by time will work? I will try it first chance I get.


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Look at edit/paste mode/past by time instead of paste by cell.

Or, to make them two views of the same exact channel, try right clicking on the channel "button", and selecting copy to other track.

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One more way to do it:

Select the 0.10 fixed timing grid on your additional tracks. Past the channel effects in. Then select the 0.05 grid. Since you pasted by cell into the same size cells, it should be fine, then changing the grid on data that is in the channels will not affect that data in the channels.

Though I would still think it would be faster to use a freeform timing grid on those elements, and subdivide timings over the length of the desired effect, so you get exactly the number of cells you want...

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I have never used Freeform grids. How exactly do you use them? I tried one just to play with it a bit. Do you still use the tapper wizard or something else to mark off those sections you want to create the effects in?

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Yeah the pasting by time actually did the trick. I would like to know more about how everyone is using the freeform grid and it's advantages.

Thanks all!


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One simple step would be to click on timings, and select duplicate to new freeform grid. From there, in the ranges where you want your mega tree to spin, or your arches to leap, select and delete the timings in that range. Then right click in the resulting space, and select subdivide timings. Then subdivide by the number of elements in the motion you want to have happen during that range. You will wind up with nice, evenly spaced timings, over that beat/measure/etc.

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That sounds like it would be extremely helpful in those certain areas. Thanks for the awesome input. I will try some of that asap. You guys are great! Gotta love this Christmas community!!!

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I just tried it out. That is sweet! Man I would pay for a week long course on all the in's and out's of the S2 software. I'll bet there are loads of tricks I don't know about that makes sequencing easier and faster.

Thanks again!


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