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I need help, I don't know why this is happening???


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The beginning song in my show is playing over and over. It was playing perfectly for a few days now, and now that I added a new song to the schedule, it has been doing this. I deleted the song and it's still doing it. I also changed the beginning song in my show and it loops that one aswell. The box is working perfectly fine, so its not that. Anyway here is the email I sent the support team, but I figured I would ask here aswell, just incase someone knows what I'm talking about. Anyway, here is the email:


I am having a problem with the schedule editor or something, I'm not really sure what it is, but here is what's going on. For the past few days my sequence has been playing perfectly, but today it decided only to play one song in the schedule over and over again. The only thing I did today was create another musical sequence to add to my schedule, I created it in the sequence editor. After I created it, I changed it to be run by the Light-o-rama controller, then I got ready to plug in everything after I added this song to the show editor and re-did the schedule editor to add this new file (unfortunately at this time it told me that it couldn't find the connection, and well you can imagine what I said out loud...s**t, because I forgot to make sure everything was plugged in before starting the control panel.) Well I figured that I could fix it anyway, so I tried everything. I made sure the songs were run by the light-o-rama controller. After restarting the computer and plugging everything in, I re-did the show editor and added the new file to the schedule editor. I have had it reconfigure the comm port to make sure that is working OK. I have gone into the songs and made sure they worked. I checked if the box works (it does work perfectly fine), but it only plays one song over and over again. I have 12 musical sequences and it only plays the first song, WHAT AM I DOING WRONG :)

Oh and not to mention that it was working perfectly fine until I made the new song to add to the schedule. Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you,


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so you have 12 sequences. do you have all the 12 sequences in shows? Are all the shows scheduled.

you cannot directly put sequences in the schedule editor.

I was having trouble following exactly what you did. Your sequences are musical sequences?

Also, would you mind modifying your profile to reflect your location.

Thank You


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I have musical sequences, I put them all in the show editor and put them in the order I wanted them in, then saved. Then I went to the schedule editor, opened the file I made and added to the scheduler, then saved. It was working fine before I added a new song to the file, now it just plays the song in the beginning of the file over and over.

I did try to delete the song, but it still does the samething. I have also tried puting a diffrent song in the beginning, but it plays that one over and over.

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Can you post a screen shot of your schedule editor that has the start and stop times for your show? I am curious to see if perhaps you have a show listed that you did not completely delete. I had a similar problem when I first started using LOR; I thought I had deleted a show but in reality, there was a show scheduled for one minute. It appeared as a single line on the schedule editor.

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jaki54321 wrote:

The only thing I did today was create another musical sequence to add to my schedule, I created it in the sequence editor. After I created it, I changed it to be run by the Light-o-rama controller, then I got ready to plug in everything after I added this song to the show editor and re-did the schedule editor to add this new file (unfortunately at this time it told me that it couldn't find the connection, and well you can imagine what I said out loud...s**t, because I forgot to make sure everything was plugged in before starting the control panel.) Well I figured that I could fix it anyway, so I tried everything. I made sure the songs were run by the light-o-rama controller. After restarting the computer and plugging everything in, I re-did the show editor and added the new file to the schedule editor. I have had it reconfigure the comm port to make sure that is working OK. I have gone into the songs and made sure they worked. I checked if the box works (it does work perfectly fine), but it only plays one song over and over again. I have 12 musical sequences and it only plays the first song, WHAT AM I DOING WRONG :D

Oh and not to mention that it was working perfectly fine until I made the new song to add to the schedule. Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you,


I'm confused by the statement you made twice, "run by the light-o-rama controller"

Did you download the sequence to the standalone mode on the controller? If so, that could cause the behavior you are seeing.
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