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hello from denver


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Hi all,

Is there anyone from the Denver Co area?

Im usually over at PC but find myself needing hands on help getting LOR installed on my computer.

IM not very computer savy...Heck im typing this with a club (get the stone age referance).

i have bought teh starter software adn installed it a while ago adn when S2 came out downloaded it.

Now that im ready to start seq i went into LOR seq and it told me i need a liciense # which i asked LOR support to email me.

I just dont know how or what to do once my # shows up.

If anyone wants to try to help me over this site/forum please, PLEASE take it in very simple steps.

thanks scott

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You should be able to get your license # near instantly via this link:


Once you get it, you simply enter it when prompted by the software (or via the item in the Help menu, if it's no longer prompting you).

Before you do that, you might want to download the latest S2 version-- a new one just came out last week.

Hope that's clear, if not, please let us know what you're stumbling over...


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There are several enthusiasts in the Denver area and 2 of them in Thornton. I live in Grand Lake so over the mountain but happy to help if I can.

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i know of scot meyer here in thornton but he is way too busy this time of year ( although i did shoot him an email just in case)

do you knwo who the other one is by name or user name?..it may be ME.

thanks for the offer of help i may be posting

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