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Extension cord wiring technique?


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I have 12 mini tree's, each with 3 colors, meaning each has 3 channels. For my interactive show I want to use the mini trees, however with Lynx controllers. So, I was wondering if I could take an extension cord and put two male ends on it. One end would then plug into the LOR controller and the other would plug into the Lynx controller. Is that possible? Would the power harm any of the controllers?

Female end ------ Male end #1
Male end #2

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I had a feeling you would say that.

The more that I think about it, the more complicated I think I am making this.

I want the mini trees to be part of the interaction section of the show. For some reason in my mind I was thinking I needed separate controllers for the interaction section. However, because there will be no "show" playing during the interaction section, then I don't need a separate controller.

Frankly, disregard the question. I answered it myself without even trying...lol:cool:

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Separate from the other issues, there is a name for for a cord with two male ends. A dead man cord. After all, in theory, any exposed male cord end implies that the cord is not powered up. If a second male end is plugged in somewhere, there would be a chance of someone picking up the open male end without thinking about it...

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The two ends would be plugged in....one end in an LOR controller the other in a Lynx controller. However, thinking more and more about it, its just a dumb idea...lol

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  • 2 weeks later...

A cord with a male end on each has also been referred to as a double dong. It can be useful in limited situation. When you have run a large section of lights and have two female ends that you need to connect it can save you some work.

Just for the record though it is not recommended.

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You just brought back a fond childhood memory. Thank you!

1965ish Spent a Sunday with my Dad hanging lights with ladders and nails. Somehow one of the C9 end-to-end strings got mounted the wrong way. I recall my dad cutting and swaping the ends and me being all worried the house would burn down. But my dad was right it worked and we didn't have to rehang.

Strangely, I remember wondering why he went to so much trouble. And here I am spending LOTS more time and money than he did.

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Here is something I have done with extension cords, I made some what I call "Y's" I use the ground and the neutral for both hots. I use one side of the spade plug as on channel hot and the other side as the other channel. that way I can get two circuits out of one extension cord without compomising the integrety of the extension cord itself.


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