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Beat and Tapper Wizard Issues

Jamie Edwards

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Ok i have recently upgraded to the 2.4.8 Advanced version on Vista. Everything is working great except for the (Beat and Tapper) Wizards. I can open them and start them but it will not let me apply anything, only exit. Anyone having this issue or maybe some clues on how to fix it?

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Too late at night for all my brain cells to work, but I think I just read something similar a couple days ago. I think I remember that the cure was either saving, closing and re-opening the file or closing and reopening the sequence editor.

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With the Tapper Wizard, the "Apply" and "Apply and Exit" buttons won't be enabled until after you've recorded some taps.

With the Beat Wizard, they won't be enabled unless you've checked at least one of the two checkboxes in the "What To Do with Beats" section (i.e. "Insert a timing into the timing grid for each beat" and "Turn on a channel every so many beats").

If these aren't the problem, please let me know.

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Thanks for all the suggestions, I did retry both wizards and this is now what happens when I try to use them.

With the Tapper Wizard... I can only get it to add the noted taps into the grid if I select the "Turn on a channel" option. If I select the "Insert a timing" option it allows me to select apply but doesn't place the taps into the grid.

With the Beat Wizard... It will only add the beat marks into the grid again if I select the "Turn on a channel" option. If I select "The insert a timing" option it won't allow me to do anything but exit.

I guess the reason I'm having issues is because I prefer the Beat Wizard and like the "Insert a timing" option. :D

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