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LOR 2 VU wizard

David Conley

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I'm trying to create a vu meter using rope lights for my Halloween show. I have 9 rows. Row 1 is the top of the meter (lights the least) and row 9 is the bottom (lights the most). Setting the levels using the wizard works well until I get to rows 7, 8, and 9. They begin to lose control toward the end. 9 loses it first, then 8, then 7. If I set the level too low (channel is almost always on) I get subscript out of range. I thought that maybe if I began the process rom the low end it would create less timing marks, but it has the exact same issues on the same channels. This effect is crutial to my display. Help anyone!!!!

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Thanks. I looked up the bug fixes and it appears that all of my issues are covered. I can't upgrade tonight, but I will get it tomorrow. Halloween is saved. We will be camping the weekend before the 31st and we'll be at site 666. I'm developing a musical tribute to Black Sabbath for the event. It'll definately be unique.

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