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Feature request - Any others at this point?

Ed Slonka Jr

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As I have been doing my sequencing a couple things I have found would make it easier for me but what about others?

#1 - When copying channels it would be nice to be able to copy more than one at a time. Now I know some are going to say but you can! But I am not speaking about consecutive channels. I would like to be able to hit the "control" button like in Windows and select lets say channel 1 and channel 4 and channel 21, etc. and paste them consecutively into a new sequence.

#2 - Let's say you are doing over one of your old seq. and want to change it a little because your display changed or for a different look. It would be nice to select a channel or series of channels and change what it does and what I mean is you want the cells to stay as they are but let's say go from steady on to 50% or shimmer to twinkle without having to select each cell by itself. Similar to the toggle button for on and off but make the toggle work for all the features.

Sorry for the long post and if either of these can be done now I must have missed it because I have tried everything to do what I described.

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Ed Slonka Jr wrote:

you want the cells to stay as they are but let's say go from steady on to 50% or shimmer to twinkle without having to select each cell by itself.

This sounds like the "Foreground Effects" menu. Have you tried that?
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Hi Steve,

I tried that but I don't think I was doing it correctly but yes that is what I was trying to do.

I will have to practice with it some more and see if I can get it to work right.

Thank you!

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