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Firmware Change History Table

Mark Belgen

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I cannot find a Change History Table for any of the LOR products, in particular, the CTB-16D Controlled Triac Board. I know where the current firmware for download may be found, but not the Change History Table.:?

For those of you that do not work in the electronics industry it should contain and look something like the following in a table format.

Version# Implement. Date Description of Chg

4.3.1 08-12-09 Impl. for use release of Cosmic Color Ribbon


  1. "Firmware Change History Tables" for all hardware products with implemented firmware.
  2. "Firmware Configuration Matrix" to provide user support in regards to firmware compatibility and use. Users have no readily available, single point of on-line documentation to determine whether the product that they have has the necessary configuration of firmware to operate or function compatibly with product that they are investigating to, or have purchased.

If the LOR organization has insufficient resources to do this, I would be more than happy to offer my professional expertise to create these for them as I don't want to just complain, but also be a part of the solution. I would need the Change Control or Configuration Mgmt documents for each of the products currently in the market. I would be more than happy to sign a "Non-Disclosure Agreement to make this happen.:cool:

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The LOR software has a pretty good public change log if you go into help, contents, what's new. I don't remember seeing similar for the firmware though..

I believe the most recent versions of the firmware added support for fading shimmer and twinkle, as well as remote triggers with PC controlled shows. These versions would be:

AC cards: 4.30
DC card: 1.30
iDMX: 1.03 (I think, and trigger support doesn't apply)

Based on behavior, I also believe that 4.30 altered the timing and duration of the triac trigger signals resulting in cleaner fades, particularly through 50%, with short strings of LED lights.

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-klb- wrote:

The LOR software has a pretty good public change log if you go into help, contents, what's new. I don't remember seeing similar for the firmware though.

I believe the most recent versions of the firmware added support for fading shimmer and twinkle, as well as remote triggers with PC controlled shows. These versions would be:

AC cards: 4.30
DC card: 1.30
iDMX: 1.03 (I think, and trigger support doesn't apply)

Based on behavior, I also believe that 4.30 altered the timing and duration of the triac trigger signals resulting in cleaner fades, particularly through 50%, with short strings of LED lights.

Hey thanks klb. I appreciate your help with this.:)

Where are you looking, because I can't find any help link on the LOR web pages, nor can I find it by typing help in the search field?

I also need additional info for prior and projected future (Currently in design) firmware versions that only the LOR people would know and can provide. I have legacy LOR systems and am looking to purchase additional hardware, but I determine my implementation plan without this information.

I have organizations, such as CHOC (Childrens Hospital of Orange County) that are reliant on my shows for fundraising purposes, so I need very accurate and complete information to prevent any glitches. It is my name, not LOR's, that will be tarnished should there be any technical issues with the shows.

I do very much appreciate your help though. Thanks again.:(
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I know that there is a PDF hidden somewhere on the LOR site, but I can't find it right now. If you have the sequence editor installed, launch it, launch the help file. and the second item in the contents view should be what's new.

If you don't have it installed, you can download the demo version, and since the demo is the same software as the full version, it has the same help file.

I understand your concerns, but I'll be honest that even with detailed change logs from network equipment vendors, I tend to learn far more from lab testing, or unfortunately, even in deployment than I do from the change logs.

For me, generally what runs on the house for Halloween will be what runs on the city show in December, and I try to add as many of the features that will be used for the city show to my home Halloween show as possible.

For example, my home Christmas show only runs one network. But I run two networks for Halloween, just to be sure that some multiple network testing gets done each year. I have DMX for Halloween, and I will have some interactive features being tested this year that honestly have no application for the house for Halloween, other than they apply to the city park show.

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-klb- wrote:

I know that there is a PDF hidden somewhere on the LOR site, but I can't find it right now. If you have the sequence editor installed, launch it, launch the help file. and the second item in the contents view should be what's new.

If you don't have it installed, you can download the demo version, and since the demo is the same software as the full version, it has the same help file.

I understand your concerns, but I'll be honest that even with detailed change logs from network equipment vendors, I tend to learn far more from lab testing, or unfortunately, even in deployment than I do from the change logs.

For me, generally what runs on the house for Halloween will be what runs on the city show in December, and I try to add as many of the features that will be used for the city show to my home Halloween show as possible.

For example, my home Christmas show only runs one network. But I run two networks for Halloween, just to be sure that some multiple network testing gets done each year. I have DMX for Halloween, and I will have some interactive features being tested this year that honestly have no application for the house for Halloween, other than they apply to the city park show.

You are right about the help menu. It does list the Software version change history for the LOR Software, but not the firmware. I don't think it exists anywhere.

And I totally agree with you regarding testing of new hard/soft/firmware releases, but I at least need to know ahead of time if I am going to have to update the firmware on all of my hardware. As the saying goes, "Failure to Plan, Is Planning to Fail".

What a great idea to use Halloween to beta test your configurations!:shock: You're essentially validating or Qualification testing your entire show process prior to deployment. I think I'll start doing that as well.:(
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If you have not upgraded since the first half of December 08, you will need to upgrade to get fading shimmer/twinkle, but from what I recall seeing here, there is likely to be at least one more firmware update, but it may only include slight enhancements to trigger functionality. What firmware is available in early/mid October will very likely be what gets used for both shows.

As for future plans, release dates, and other information, you sound like you are new here. Think about how long LOR 2 was soon to be released, or how many times the implementation date for licensing was pushed forward. Look at how far back the DIO-32 was an announced product. I've taken a stand that once it ships, it is real, not before. As much as I want to be an early adopter, I don't invest much time thinking about the new solutions until somebody has their hands on them. Hopefully in the future there will be better communication about product status and anticipated time lines, but I'm treating that just like rest of the product announcements..

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I just updated my CTB-16D firmware to v4.3.2 and installed S2 for use this year.

I've been using LOR products since 2005, so I know what you mean when you talk about LOR promise release dates and when new products are actually released. I didn't upgrade to S2 last year simply because it was released too late and I didn't have time to test it prior to my deadline performance dates. I don't care if it takes LOR 1 year or 3 years to release a new product, just establish an achievable date and hit it.

Also, I don't know if the LOR group either does not have the skill sets or if they are under resourced or both that is preventing them from getting to the next level as a business. Having worked for some major electronic and medical device companies as an Electrical Engineer in the Quality Engineering field, I have quite a bit of valuable experience which I have offered at no charge to help them out only to be ignored.:{

In the few dealings that I have had with Dan, my impression is that he is a man of integrity and honesty which I very much respect. It is for that reason that I offered my services, because I would like to see his business become very successful and move to the next level. Plus I would benefit from the improved customer service and timelier product release dates as well. What he doesn't realize is that he could never afford to pay me what I make for these services (Not to brag, just to prove a point):?, so to not take advantage of my offer is wasting a great opportunity for his business that could also benefit the rest of the LOR community.

But, oh well. How does the saying go? "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink". So just like you, I ignore their product release timelines and don't even begin to consider purchasing until after the product has been released.

I do love their CTB-16D PCB. It is gorgeous! A really high rel, high quality board.:) And their solder workmanship on assembled units is outstanding. It would definitely meet IPC-610 Class 3 standards which is saying allot. No cuts or jumpers. Impressive!

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