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Software installer issue


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I can install Lor 1.6.9 with no issue, but to up grade to 2.3.8 is an issue.

1st off can the Lor Software be installed on more than 1 computer?

I do my sequences on my Vista computer (current version Lor 2.3.8) and I was hoping to use my Windows XP as my show computer......but the software well not upgrade.

I even tried the Windows installer utility tool trick a few times and still no dices.

I get this........" The feature you are trying to use is on a net work resource that is unavailable...etc.

The file is not a valid installation package for the product Lor. Try to find the installation package "Light O Rama".msi in a folder from which you can install LOR;

More writing and then error 1706 occurs.

I ordered the new software on CD and received it (2.3.4) but even the CD will not install

So I try a number of things but still no upgrade.

Please feel free to share ideas......ah bare in mine I am not great with computers.....I learn as I go these past two years.

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As of one of the 2.2.x releases, the installer is no longer an upgrade only. It will install from scratch on a clean system. I think I have experienced issues where the current installer does not work correctly if too old a copy is currently installed, (2.0.16 in my case) but works fine if the old version is uninstalled.

Uninstall any currently installed LOR software. If you can't get it to cleanly uninstall, search for the Microsoft install cleaner that Bob has referenced, and get to where there is no evidence of LOR in the add/remove software control panel applet. Then try installing from your CD, or a download from scratch.

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Tried that a number of times and yet no change......I still get 1706......so the utility is not working for me.

Oh well I guess my Vista is my show/sequence computer.

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A couple things I did not address the first time:

Yes, LOR can be installed on multiple computers.

Yes, LOR works well on XP. Generally there have been more install issues reported with Vista than with XP.

And just double checking, you have gone to a point where there is no evidence of LOR installed on the XP system, and then directly ran the 2.3.8 installer? I don't think I have any suggestions beyond that, but it is a good checkpoint to confirm.

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lightzilla wrote:

Tried that a number of times and yet no change......I still get 1706......so the utility is not working for me.

Oh well I guess my Vista is my show/sequence computer.

We will look into this issue. It seems like we having this problem more often than we should. In any case we will make sure that you can get it installed on your machin.

I understand you have use the microsoft utility a number of times but I have seen some people that have run it and only cleaned up one instance of a LOR install while there were more than one listed.

One other thing that may make a difference. Have the LOR installer saved on your desktop and run it from there.
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Well no change yet, at least nothing good, but I believe a solution will come......perhaps my hard drive has a problem as well.

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Well no change yet but I know that a solution well be found and all will work out fine.

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LightORamaDan wrote:

One other thing that may make a difference. Have the LOR installer saved on your desktop and run it from there.

This worked........got most of the important part of the software to here. Not sure what all the stuff is but whatever says "open" in the menu opens but anything that says "register this component" will not register.

We shall see how this works on the desk top.

Also I am running LOR2.3.8
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Try updating your .msi installer. http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=5fbc5470-b259-4733-a914-a956122e08e8&displaylang=en

You want to download the x86.exe version and see if that helps.

Then run the clean up utility and make sure ALL installations of LOR are removed and try again.

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lightzilla wrote:

Well no change yet, at least nothing good, but I believe a solution will come......perhaps my hard drive has a problem as well.

Depending on the age, this may or may not be a problem,

You can have windows check the HD for problems. Go to Start>Run, type CMD in the box and hit Enter. When the black box opens up, type chkdsk /r and hit enter.

It will take some time to run, but windows will check for bad clusters on the HD.

It will also require a reboot before it runs.

Hope I didn't confuse you! :D
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vipzach wrote:

lightzilla wrote:
Well no change yet, at least nothing good, but I believe a solution will come......perhaps my hard drive has a problem as well.

Depending on the age, this may or may not be a problem,

You can have windows check the HD for problems. Go to Start>Run, type CMD in the box and hit Enter. When the black box opens up, type chkdsk /r and hit enter.

It will take some time to run, but windows will check for bad clusters on the HD.

It will also require a reboot before it runs.

Hope I didn't confuse you! :D

Now that I have LOR 2.3.8 working good on "Desktop" as Dan suggested I do not want to touch it anymore........I was getting to frustrated as it was......more relaxed now.

Now your other idea I will try and see how my HD is. Thank you, and I well let you know if it works.
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vipzach wrote:

If you just enter chkdsk and hit enter, it will just run a check and won't take as long.

I did the checkup but after it ran its course and all that stuff I missed the verdict after it restarted. lol.

Bad news is ........ I maybe having problems with uploading my sequences. I have them on SkyDrive for safe keeping, and even though I can upload them into Lor on my Vista machine, the Lor will not accept them on my XP computer.......but it was late at night and so now I have the weekend to solve that issue.
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  • 4 weeks later...

A couple weeks ago I had the exact same error messages as posted by Lightzilla. I was upgrading from whatever version 2.x was current last Nov. (2.16?) My first step was to panic.

Then I read the error messages. Network resource? What network resource? So I disconnected all the mapped drives. Missing .msi file? (Which was said to be "missing" deep down the C:Documents and Settings directory). Hey, that's imbedded in the .exe file that installs LOR. I was preparing to do the good fight and then I decided to quit believing the error messages.

I am using Windows XP SP3. My guess is the temporary copy of the .msi file is getting deleted during the install.

I used LOR (not Windows Control Panel Add or Remove Programs) to remove the old version of LOR. I downloaded the 2.3.8 version again (I doubt that was necessary) and then installed again.

Magically, it all worked then.

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