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I am using an old (7yr) Dell 8300 with XP. I am going to get a new computer. This one is driving me nuts with multiple issues, Which OS should i get XP, Vista, or 7. Thanks for the input.
Don C.

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Wow Don - thats a loaded question. I guess the question I would throw out is how comfortable a computer user are you. Do you like your old comfortable chair? Or are you one who likes to experiment a little or a lot and live on the cutting edge.

XP has been around long enough that there are lots of resources to keep it running smoothly - kind of like the old chair.

Vista - (I only recommend Vista business) has a fairly good balance of new technology and tightened security that will keep things going and safe for even the novas of users - (granted the user doesn't start turning things off).

7 is out on the cutting edge, your not sure if that new piece of hardware is really going to work ok with 7 - even though the box says it will.

I still love XP - the new laptop came with Vista Home premium on it and I wiped it and put XP Pro on it. Liking it much better now.

I work all day long on PC's (Help Desk - PC Support Specialist). I know Windows from 3.0 through Vista and now learning 7. Win Server 2000 - 2008, Linux, Unix, some others, and lots of different applications. I think 7 will have a good place, but for me for now its still XP for most use.

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I figured I wasn't going to get 7 since it is so new. I thought Vista would work but I wasn't sure if i was better to get XP if you could still find it. I have a friend who bought a new computer and they love Vista. I just wasn't sure how well it runs LOR.

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Rate now, MS is offering a free upgrade to 7 from vista with a purchase of a computer. I just bought a new laptop last week, and was advertised with all the PC's

So maybe get vista now, and wait to see the bugs before upgrading.

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