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New Feature Ideas


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Hi, I’m a new guy doing my first sequences. The idea is to have six (optional, Check Box) additional rows on the sequence editor that could be assigned to a specific color, This way, all white could be faded (or twinkled) with a single click. If the additional sequence rows were user assignable more possibilities would be available.

Another thought was having an option to assign each illuminated object an X Y coordinate. Batch commands like wave, wave with fade in, wave with fade in and fade out, wave with twinkle, would be possible . Left to right, front to back, outside to center, wave with fade out etc. could be added into the tools menu. For example Tools, Grid Function, Select – Wave, Pan, V, Zip etc., Select Event Length, Select Colors, Begin With – Fade, Twinkle, Blink etc., End with…….. That’s it.

Basically, the idea is to be able to try more elaborate effects with less effort.


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Hey Curtis,

Welcome to the forums!!!

I think you might want to have a look at the tracks feature. I believe that is where you would want to setup your left to right and front to back fades / chases / colors and so forth.

Now when you get that all figured out let me know so I can add them to mine as well. :) I believe the tracks feature makes it pretty easy to do, I to would like my display setup to have that ability as well. If you search for tracks on this forum you'll find some great post about them and how to set them up.

perhaps someone else can verify it for us just so I know I am not steering you wrong.

So would the tracks feature be the way to do across yard fades / chases and what not?


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Hey Ted, Thanks.

Checking every post on tracks and reviewing the help file doesn't get me past the alternate timing aspect. Even starting a new sequence with 2 tracks didn't help much after trying out some of the options. What ever it is that tracks does, being able to turn on and fade out all the green or red lights seems like it should be easier.

I was thinking more along the lines of batch commands that would use mathematical formulas to create patterns (events) based on XY grid positions of each channel in the yard. Some mega events could be made very easy.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Make a track called "Red", another called "Green", a third called "Blue", and a fourth called "White". Copy (using right-click on the track, then "Copy to Other Track") each of your red channels to the "Red " track etc.

Now to fade everything to red, select all the channels on the Red track and "Fade Up". On the other channels, select the same time and "Fade Down". If you already have events, you could use "Foreground Effects" -> "Fade Down" to prevent turning everything on unless it's already on.

One problem with this is that if you have, for example, a blue channel that's at 10%, the Fade Down will cause it to go to 100% before fading off.

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