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How Long Do You Fire Your Strobes For?

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In a sequence, how long do most of you typically fire your strobes for? 1 second, 2 seconds, 3 seconds or more?

I know in some cases that it may depend on the song, but at what point does the length the strobes fire for become excessive?

Also, how many times do you typically fire your strobes in 1 song or animation?

What's your opinion?

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As you said it depends on the song and the person. I think that about 5 seconds is a good length of time and the strobes should be used sparingly... Not even used in some songs.

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Wow! Good topic here. Strobes , being as dramatic and spirited as they are , have the power to add sparkle and excitement to your display. By thier very nature, overuse or incorrect use can dilute thier power . An overdose of strobe viewing can cause nausea and other complications within the human psyche. The last thing you need is someone throwing up while viewing all of your grandosio lightworks. Its like eating too much chocolate cake - great when you first start experiencing the sensations - but halfway through the whole cake your tongue starts begging you to quit. Put your strobes up your sleeve and use them as your ace or trump card.

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Where can you find strobe lights for purchase? Approximately how much should I expect to pay for a strobe light? Do they come in packs? Any brand names you would recommend or is a strobe a strobe B)

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Darry Brown sells them at his website, Christmaslightshow.com. The strobes he sells are listed on this page. They are at a very good price. The strobes plug into c9 light sockets. Read the rest of the page for more info.


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Thanks Luke for the link! I appreciate it.

I noticed the site says you "shouldn't" use with light controllers that will use the fade/dim feature as it can damage them. Does it really? I have C9 bulbs that outline my driveway and would like to put a couple of strobes on the corners of the driveway, but I also plan to use the fade/dim affect as well with these C9 strands. Will I really damage them? Any body experience something similar to this?

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Has anyone tried mirrors? I'm going to try three strobe cannons (300W ea.) aimed at my house, with 100 or so small mirrors (1" square) hot-glued randomly to the house to create a sort of mirror ball effect - used sparingly at critical moments.

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