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Show Crashing Question, When Running Picture Slide Show.


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Well, I hate to ask for help. I've exhausted all my means to figure this problem out with no progress.

I have a pentium 3, windows xp, Ibm thinkpad with an S3 gamma Plus video card, 724 mgh of speed and 1 gig ram. Full LOR version S2. Using Picture Viz 1 through windows media player 10 to run picture slide show(50 photos) launched by LOR. 2550 lumens video projector using VGA monitor cable.

Here's my problem: All 4 sequences run fine and all lights (only 3/4 of lights actually wired up) function and flash normally when run individually in the sequence editor.

However when I run them using the show editor (all 4 songs loaded in the music tab), with my Picture slide show window enlarged to full screen, the first song plays fine and instead of rolling on into the 2nd song, LOR crashes. If I minimize my slide show window, the whole show plays fine from start to finish.

I don't think this is an LOR problem and i'm leaning towards some type of video card setting or maybe it's just time for a new pc. perhaps i missed a setting in LOR.

I'm lost here and need help, 4 weeks til show night.

I searched the forums and tried to shave some tenths off the end of my sequences with no success. tried wmp 11. formatted whole laptop reloaded everything and still got the same crash.

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What are the image size of the Photos also how big is your picture slide show files size ?

photo pixels X pixels DPI, are all the Photo the same image size ?

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What type of video file you are using?

Sorry to be asking silly questions. Maybe it will help with a solution...

Is it possible to test this on a different PC? Try running the show without connecting the controllers. See if that works... That way we can elliminate your stinkpad oops Thinkpad... lol

If you do not have another PC I can try running the show on my PC.

We will be getting someone from LOR soon as they start the day. And they will be able to tell you if your hardware and media player are within spec.

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I'm using .jpeg files for the pictures and they are all different file sizes. Hope this answers you question. My computer skills are limited as you can see I'm running a "stinkpad" LOL

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Victory402 wrote:

Well, I hate to ask for help....with my Picture slide show window enlarged to full screen, the first song plays fine and instead of rolling on into the 2nd song, LOR crashes. If I minimize my slide show window, the whole show plays fine from start to finish....

Have you run your picture slide show enlarged to full screen while using the sequence editor?

Windows video drivers, when trying to run things in full screen, will throw errors when one application attempts to control video memory at the same time another application that has current control of video memory. This does not happen when applications are windowed, but once they run full screen it's a different story.

Basically application 1 controls video memory. Application 2 attempts to control video memory. It may or may not be allowed to do so OR it may require a directX Video reset which some applications do not know how to handle, so it just crashes.

Try this...
Open your picture slide show and INSTEAD of opening it full screen, stretch the frame to be the entire window. This should bypass your problem because the application is still "WINDOWED" and not "FULL SCREEN".

This is the hard part to explain without being able to actually show what to do.
The "System menu" (the box in the upper left corner of a window, is accessible through key controls. You can move the window around, eve off scree using the keyboard so you don't have to see the frame.
If you perform this sequence of keystrokes you'll see how you can move the window around.

Open system menu - ALT-SPACE
Press the letter M
Use your arrow keys to move the window around.
Once you have it positioned where you want it, press ENTER

With a little practice, you'll be able to stretch your window, move the title bar off screen, etc. restretch it and then position it so only the video display is visible.

To resize it back once finished, just do the opposite except make the window smaller so you can see all the window edges.
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Thanks for the info...I'm at work right now, but I will try this when I get home tonight.

This looks like the answer I'm looking for.


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You might want to try installing the latest Windows Media Player (if it's not already), just in case something's wrong there.

Also, you might want to run Windows Update to make sure that your computer's Windows components are completely up to date. Note that you might have to run it several times before it stops listing things to be installed - for example, it might tell you there are three updates available, but immediately after you install those three, it might tell you that there are seven more available. I think this behavior is probably because those seven depend on those three, but I don't know.

And perhaps check if your video card has new drivers.

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Thanks, I tried upgrading to WMP 11 and it didn't help.

I thought the Windows Service pack 2 that I downloaded last night would have taken care of any windows upgrades.

Thanks for all the response, The glass is looking half full again just knowing help is available.


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I thought the Windows Service pack 2 that I downloaded last night would have taken care of any windows upgrades.

No, in my experience, it doesn't. Microsoft has released a whole bunch of upgrades after they released SP2. So, you might want to check Windows Update again (and again and again, until it explicitly says that no upgrades are available).

I can't say this will help with your problem, of course, but it's definitely something that I personally would try if I were in that situation.
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Victory402 wrote:


Thanks, I tried upgrading to WMP 11 and it didn't help.

I thought the Windows Service pack 2 that I downloaded last night would have taken care of any windows upgrades.

Thanks for all the response, The glass is looking half full again just knowing help is available.


Windows XP has service pack 3 that was released 5/6/2008.
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I did not know LOR works with a slide show...

Want your timings with the pictures change? I would make a video of the slide show and then use the slide show video...

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I use a WMP plugin called Picture Viz 1. It's a WMP vizualizer that starts up when the song starts and instead of showing the pschyadelic stuff it displays pictures pulled from an assigned folder. When my sequence song starts up, a window also pops up displaying a slide show of the photos. I maximize that window, turn on the projector and presto...

I guess you could make a DVD of your photos and go that route.

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The more you explain the more it sounds like "full screen" video conflict. Patches may help, but you probably will end up just doing the window sizing hack for now if you are pressed for time.


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Yea, I'm with ya on that Howard, I spoke with a guy here at work and he said the same thing about the conflict. He showed me another thing to try. I'll let ya know.

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Windows service pack 3 installed...going to try window stretch today.

My back up plan comes from my better half and I quote "Why not go to Wal-mart and burn the pictures onto a DVD and just hook up the DVD player to the projector and push the play button on the remote at the begining of the slide show"

Well, I gotta tell ya, Mr inspector gadget here (me), just sat there with a blank look on his face, while the wife just smiled lovingly at me. Sometimes just stepping back and looking at things from a different angle sure can be helpful.

Since this is a one time show for a birthday party the DVD player idea would work.

I'll keep you posted...

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