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LOR v2.3.4


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Is there an easier way to copy and paste all of the channel data prameters from the channel property grid under tools from one sequence to another without destroying all of my sequence data? I am trying to update the number of channels in all of my sequences from 8 to 48. I am using LOR v2.3.4....Thanks

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As Chuck mentioned you can use the Export Channel Config and Import Channel Config options on the Edit Menu.

The Export/Import makes sense if the following three things are true:

1. All of your current sequences have the channels in the same order.

2. You want all of your sequences to be updated to the same, new channel configuration.

3. You are adding your new channels to the "bottom" of the channel list.

If that is all true then get one sequence setup then: Click Edit -> Export Channel Configuration and save that sequence's channel configuration. Then open one of the sequences that you want to change and click Edit -> Import Channel Configuration and open the config that you saved.


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