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YouTube posting difficulties

Kevin McQuarters

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I'm sure I'm not the only one to encounter YouTubes' newest attempt at "piracy prevention". Or should we say piracy for profit.

I attempted to upload our 2008 Xmas show videos for the LOR contest only to encounter the new "content ID" policy. Short & sweet..... WMG (Warner Music Group) is the current copyright holder for four of the seven songs we uploaded. They have directed YouTube to disable the audio portion of the submission thanks to a current dispute over royalty payments. Seems strange that I can search for the same content on other submissions and get both audio & video?!


My submissions were mysteriously "approved" after I submitted fair use claims under YouTubess' dispute channels. Cheers to YouTube & WMG, I'm still going elsewhere in the future.

Enjoy LOR 32 channels while they stand..............

TSO: Xmas Bells

Mannheim Steamroller: Silent Night

THX Cows from “Cars”

V Guaraldi Trio: Linus & Lucy

F. Sinatra: Jingle Bells

Barenaked Ladies: Three Ships

Barenaked Ladies: Sleigh Ride

Best Wishes,
Kevin McQuarters

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I have experienced this as well trouble is they ID'ed the song as something completely different. I uploaded the same vid a few days later and no problems, so it may be something akin to the apple iphone app store validation process

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