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I have a question.

Lets say you have two arches one has 9 sements and one has 7 segments.

You have your sequence broken into the beat and want your arched to go back and forth with that beat. Can you do the following:

1. Subdivide it into 8 parts so that each end of the 9 segment arch meets with the down beat

2. Then delete those timings (just the subdivided ones). And now subdivide each beat into 6 segments so that the ends of the 7 segment arch meat with the down beat.

Will LOR still be okay with that?

thank you


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If it was me, I'd do it using two different tracks. Then you could subdivide the timings of one track by 7 and the other track by 9 and each of your arches should reach their ends at exactly the same times.

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George Simmons wrote:

If it was me, I'd do it using two different tracks. Then you could subdivide the timings of one track by 7 and the other track by 9 and each of your arches should reach their ends at exactly the same times.


I thought timings were the same for all tracks in a sequence?
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Not at all. That's one of the best things about tracks - you can use a different timing for each one you create if you want to, and you can create a track with only as many channels as you want.

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Or, if you want slower movement, subdivide the seven segment arch timing by 4 and subdivide the 9 segment arch timing by 5 and you have a moment of darkness before reversing direction or repeating.

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George Simmons wrote:

Not at all. That's one of the best things about tracks - you can use a different timing for each one you create if you want to, and you can create a track with only as many channels as you want.

Alright now Im completely lost.

When you say track do you mean sequence?? I assumed your definition of track was channel.

I want to be able to do the above mentioned in the same squence.

If I did 2 separate sequences, how do I merge them? Or even get them to play at the same time???

I guess I could try to subdivide into 24 parts.......
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Channels and tracks are different. Every sequence you create always has at least one track. A track can contain all your channels or just some of them. (I have all my various elements- mini trees, arches, beat trees, poles, etc. in separate tracks. For 2008, I used twelve tracks and each one has just one specific element in it - ranging from 2 to 28 channels depending on what it is - and most of the tracks are set to different timings.)

For the sake of simplicity, let's say that you have a dozen mini trees and a seven segment arch and you want them to 'move' from left to right with the beat, both of them starting and ending at the same point in time. That gets to be pretty cumbersome trying to find a pre-set timing - .05 or .10 or something that matches the beat and divides by both twelve and seven. If you create a second track and move either the trees or arch to that track then you can work with different timings for the different elements and still have the movement of each element begin and end at exactly the same time.

If this doesn't help, PM me with your email address and I'll send you a sequence to check out. Maybe that will make it plainer.

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George Simmons wrote:

Channels and tracks are different. Every sequence you create always has at least one track. A track can contain all your channels or just some of them. (I have all my various elements- mini trees, arches, beat trees, poles, etc. in separate tracks. For 2008, I used twelve tracks and each one has just one specific element in it - ranging from 2 to 28 channels depending on what it is - and most of the tracks are set to different timings.)

For the sake of simplicity, let's say that you have a dozen mini trees and a seven segment arch and you want them to 'move' from left to right with the beat, both of them starting and ending at the same point in time. That gets to be pretty cumbersome trying to find a pre-set timing - .05 or .10 or something that matches the beat and divides by both twelve and seven. If you create a second track and move either the trees or arch to that track then you can work with different timings for the different elements and still have the movement of each element begin and end at exactly the same time.

If this doesn't help, PM me with your email address and I'll send you a sequence to check out. Maybe that will make it plainer.


That is awesome!!!!!!!!

I just tried it!!!

I have a new toy to play with!

Thank you!!!
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Actually, Eric, I AM a genius... but that's another story.

The real geniuses here, though, are the software ducks who created S2 and continue to improve it. Not to mention the veterans of these forums who've supplied all the suggestions over the years that have culminated in things you and I take for granted today.

Ready for another new toy? Check out the "paste multiple" command sometime...

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George Simmons wrote:

Actually, Eric, I AM a genius... but that's another story.

The real geniuses here, though, are the software ducks who created S2 and continue to improve it. Not to mention the veterans of these forums who've supplied all the suggestions over the years that have culminated in things you and I take for granted today.

Ready for another new toy? Check out the "paste multiple" command sometime...

you mean that part where you can choose all the way to the end, vertically and horizontally??

That is my favorite!!!
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Keep in mind that you can use the same channel in multiple tracks. That allows you to have some events timed one way and others timed another. For example one track could be a beat track and the other a .10 sec timing track. When you want the channel timed to the beat, you sequence in the beat track. When you want the channel to do something where timing makes sense, use the timed track.

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