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HELP...Its too late for this year but...


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I downloaded the S2 version of the software earlier this year when it came out. I am running v 2.1.6 on the sequence editor, v 2.1.6 on the hardware utility. I got a late start this year and could not get my program to run so I had to settle for a static display this year...quite disappointed. Any way my problem is that I go to run the show and the music plays but only channel 1 on unit 1 blinks on and off. Nothing else. I have a 1602W model 3 with the MP3 player and an additional 1602W daisy chained to it. It has worked great the last two years but this year not so much. I tried a new sequence, I bypassed the MP3 player and connected right to the controller. When I tested all the channels on both units everything tested fine, did what it was supposed to...but no show. Either by MP3 player or direct to my laptop...nothing but channel 1 blinking. I would like to try to get this problem solved before I take all my lights down and put away. any suggestions woud be greatly appreciated

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Yes. I programed each channel and tested it with the HWU to make sure it works. Each channel works. but when I go to schedule a show either with an SD card with the MP3 director or directly to the 1602W, the music plays fine but only the #1 channel on unit 1 blinks on and off

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In the sequence editor under tools, select channel property grid.

Are all your channels in software assigned to hardware units/channels?

Sounds like you ONLY have unit 1 channel 1 defined in your sequences. Since this is the ONLY channel that will work no matter how you run your sequences.


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cmoore60 wrote:

In the sequence editor under tools, select channel property grid.

Are all your channels in software assigned to hardware units/channels?

Sounds like you ONLY have unit 1 channel 1 defined in your sequences. Since this is the ONLY channel that will work no matter how you run your sequences.


Chuck, you are a lifesaver. I got a very late start because of work this year and I haven't had time to play too much with the updated software so I didn't know that was there. The flashing was my beat track; it was the only track that was assigned and it happend to be assigned to channel one of controller one for what ever reason. Thank you so much, I will be prepared for next year a little earlier...lets say around easter. Again thanks and happy New Year.

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