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Going live tonight


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Ready or not we go up tonight finally. Loaded 42 songs in the SSB last night, 2 groups of 21 with the first five in each being syncronized with the lights and the last 16 just having different groups of lights on for variety. Each group has an approx music time of about 63 minutes so about every hour there will end up being a show beginning at 5:30. Did this per some of the suggestions on these forums rather than spreading my sync'd songs out. This way people can sit and watch a few songs and then clear out to give the niehgbors a break for about 45 minutes.
For a quick test we plugged in our Gold Edition whole house transmitter and punched up 106.9. System is in the basement and we ran upstairs on the stereo and pulled up the same channel. Clear as a bell !! So one last thing I NEED to do is right after work get it ran upstairs to a bedroom and test it in my car on the street, along with seeing IF the stereo in the basement that we had been using to play Christmas CD's picks it up also so we can play over the outside speakers still. Then I can put up the sign.
I do have a couple questions for the pros. First, what is the normal break between songs that the system uses as a default? I'm guessing there has to be a little pause from one song to the next? Also, I scheduled the show to play from 5:30 to 10 pm.
Will it just keep playing the program during the scheduled time and then shut off at 10? We should be able to get two full runs through all 42 songs every night, so there will be 4 full light programs plus maybe a couple songs off a fifth before it's 10. Once we plugged the songs in to SSB and then sheduled the Mon-Sun and enabled it, that's it, right? I hope....

Thanks again for the help

Lenny Ruel

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Hmmm Lenny,

I don't think people will clear out like you expect. A few years ago, I had some fairly serious traffic jam issues because of having a show that long. People will simply just keep hanging around thinking the show will stop or they will wait until they hear a song repeat. Since going to a 30 minute show, this doesn't happen any more, and I have regular traffic movement.

When it is time to shut down for the night (10 pm in your email), the show will stop right after the finish of a song at 10PM. Thus, it won't complete the whole show unless your shows just happen to be in increments of 30 minutes (because you are starting your show on a 1/2 hour).

There are no pauses between songs unless you put them in the sequence audio or you indicate a pause in the show editor. Some song might naturally blend from one to the next, but I suggest if there is a huge temp difference from one song to the next, then put in a couple of seconds pause.

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How do you put those brief pauses in between the songs? Is it easy?
I'm not thinking traffic will be a problem. The actual animated shows are roughly only about 13 to 15 minutes long and consist of 5 songs. The 16 songs in between... I only put on some lights to give some variety off my static display. I might have a shimmering or twinkling effect on a couple channels but they don't jump around from channel to channel. I'm guessing up here in the great white north after a couple of these "boring" lighted songs people will move along rather than wait around for the higher energy stuff. Plus we live on a court so they can circle around.


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Ok, I understand about your shows now.

In the show editor there is a scroll selector on the "Musical" tab that shows "Delay (in seconds). That is where you set the delay.

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That's all there is to it ? Just set it to 5 seconds or so and it automatically spaces them all out that little bit? Thanks much Rich.


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