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Hi all!! I set up 2 sequences on show editor and it only plays the second sequence in a loop. The first sequence dosnt play at all. I saved the two after I entered them in the editor. They are both .lms files. Can anyone help?

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SnappyTom wrote:

Hi all!! I set up 2 sequences on show editor and it only plays the second sequence in a loop. The first sequence dosnt play at all. I saved the two after I entered them in the editor. They are both .lms files. Can anyone help?

The 2nd song is likely NOT playing in a loop. The show is starting over after playing the last song (which is your 2nd song). Since you only have 2 songs in your show,. and the first one is not playing, it only appears that your 2nd sequence is not looping. It might sound like a minor difference, but by keeping this in mind, you won't be chasing a problem that doesn't exist with trying to figure out why the 2nd one is looping. It isn't.

The problem is likely just that the first sequence in your set has a bad path or filename associated with it. Remove it from your show and re-enter it again by selecting the song in the dialog. After you save the show, be sure to DISABLE shows and the ENABLE again before testing the result.

Often people will do things like change the name of a sequence or put it in a different location, or do something similar that will cause the show player not to find it. Therefore, focus on why the first song doesn't play.
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I only had Lor for a few days and am having little challenges. So go to show editor and deleat the first song. Then reenter it?

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SnappyTom wrote:


I only had Lor for a few days and am having little challenges. So go to show editor and deleat the first song. Then reenter it?

Yes, open the show editor, select the sequence that is not playing in the show, click the "-" (minus) button to remove it. Then click the "+" button to add it back in.
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SnappyTom wrote:

When I open show editor should the 2 sequences be showing? If so there is nothing in the box.

No, nothing will be listed when you start the show editor. It's just like any other application. You have to first open the file you want to work with. So open the show file that you previously created and then view the various tabs, especially the tab that contains your musical sequences. That is what I am referring to when I say to delete the sequence that is not showing, and to re-enter it.

It's sounding like you haven't read the documentation on this. Although lots of people here are willing to help you get going quickly, you will save yourself a lot of time and frustation to quickly review a couple of tutorials on this page... http://www.lightorama.com/support.html
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I found also with help from this forum to make absolutely sure that every channel in the song not playing has a unit ID and channel assigned if the channel is assigned to a lightorama controller. As soon as I double checked this my shows worked fine.

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