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one channel on at about 30 percent after rain storm


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I hope someone has a solution for this. It rained in oklahoma last night very hard. After getting up in the middle of the night I noticed that 1 channel of my lights was on at probably 30 percent. I can turn all my light on and those come on as well at full but if I turn them all off they stay at around 30 percent. what to do what to do???


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alright so I went out to the unit and it looks as if some water had got inside the box. I took my shop vac and with some blowing around in it I finally got it to work correctly. What are you guys doing to prevent this from happening?? thanks


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Mine hang indoors... I know I waste a ton of money on extension cords, but I never have to worry about the boxes.

Not too helpful, I know. Sorry. Someone here will have a good idea!

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I dont use the LOR enclosures ( with the exception of the 1602) for that reason. I had one of the pc enclosures leak and damage a card. I will usually purchase a 3R rated enclosure and mount it at a slight sideways angle to allow the water to drain out, should any get inside

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cvlrs2000 wrote:

alright so I went out to the unit and it looks as if some water had got inside the box. I took my shop vac and with some blowing around in it I finally got it to work correctly. What are you guys doing to prevent this from happening?? thanks


What type of controller was it? Was it a LOR enclosure?
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LightORamaDan wrote:

cvlrs2000 wrote:
alright so I went out to the unit and it looks as if some water had got inside the box. I took my shop vac and with some blowing around in it I finally got it to work correctly. What are you guys doing to prevent this from happening?? thanks


What type of controller was it? Was it a LOR enclosure?

While you are asking, I have three PC controllers with the LOR logo molded in the face of the case, which are in an architecturally ideal location for hiding them out front, and making the cord runs reasonable. Unfortunately, it is an strongly disadvantages location in relation to roof valleys, and Dallas area downpours.. Water has actually been hitting them hard enough to remove rustoleum stone look paint from the enclosures. We had a similar problem on one of the cards, where two channels were stuck on, and while the card would respond to the hardware utility, other channels could not be turned on. I pulled the card from the enclosure and rinsed off the contaminants and moisture with denatured alcohol, then dried it as well as I could with a towel, and followed up with a heat gun. So far, it is working perfectly.

I plan to put some duct tape over the top of the enclosures before the next rain...

Just to be clear, this is not a typical residential application. There is a lot of roof area covered by that valley, and there is no eve on the wall surface that the controllers are mounted on...
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yes it was a lor controller. Not sure what happened.....I got it resolved with my shop vac. do you have an idea of what I should do?


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First task would be to figure out how water got in the box, especially on a 1602 which has a solid top. Is it seeping in through a hole/seem? Bouncing in through the bottom?

I'm glad we usually don't have to deal with rain here in December -- it's bummer enough trying to keep the boxes from being buried in snow...


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  • 2 years later...

I did not have heavy rain. But I'm not having an issue with a pc controller, purchased assembled from LOR. It's a version 2 model, I've had it since 2009 without any issues. One of my channels is stuck on. How do I fix this. Will LOR fix this? I'm not much for soldering.

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