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Replacement for my iDMX1000


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After several years, my iDMX1000 has finally stopped working properly with my LOR mini-director with MP3 Player.   I replaced the mini-director but the iDMX has been discontinued by LOR. The company does list other items that can be used in place but they require a USB connection thru a computer. Does anyone know what I can use as a replacement that will work with my mini-director and not have to be connected to a computer and/or require any kind of address changes. In other words, just plug and play?

Thanks to anyone who can assist me with this matter.



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The only thing I really know is I have  G3 director with 16 channels in a metal box. It has 2 ports and for my Christmas show one port can be used for 1 DMX universe. I have some coro cane's and a small DMX decoder to run those lights.

I use a director for my show because I have no place or means to have my computer the the show.

Not sure because I don't use them but I think some of the newer pixel controllers can run or bridge a dmx?

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  • 2 weeks later...

The SanDevices ELOR will directly replace an iDMX1000. Unfortunately, it's 12 years old so you'll have trouble finding one today.

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I think LOR still has a few of them left they’re still selling on their website. Just bought 2. 

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