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S3 upgrade


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Hello i have S3 software  and looking to upgrade to 4-5 but i am using 2010 LOR EQ  LOR 1602W So wounding if 4-5 is the high as i can go with this older EQ  Can it run the late features of 6-7  Thanks

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3 minutes ago, digitalfreeloaders said:

but i am using 2010 LOR EQ

Remind me what this is/was?

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PRO Series LOR1602W i was wounding if it will run the new features in s 6-7 thanks


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I thought you were implying that "2010 LOR EQ" was a product or software.
If you have the new generation of 1602's. (with the Status Screen built onto it) then it is capable of running the higher speed you can get in newer versions of the software.

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Thank you for your help I do appreciate 

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