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Triggering a show.

James Shelby

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Can S4 trigger a show in S6 on another pc?

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AFAIK there is no provision for any Showtime (S#) to talk to another. Triggers happen on the LOR Network side (RS485).

💡 Brainstorm:

If you can get a cable to another controller (Must not be Enhanced Network) or Inputpup on the S6 side.

AND you have a CMB24 (DC) or  servo , that could operate a DC relay (coil) with the contacts to the Input

If speed is not an issue. An AC coil relay operated from a CTB16 could be used

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James, what are you trying to accomplish?

TheDucks suggestion should work fine.  Note that I run my nightly landscaping show via a start trigger (and a shutdown trigger - something LOR does not support but I figured out how to do), and also in-show interactive triggers.  So if you need any specific help with triggers and interactives, just ask.


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I am fighting the conversion from S4 to S6. I hired a lighting engineer yesterday they are going to work on the conversion but they can't guarantee it will work. I'm going to finish rewriting my S4 sequences. I'm burnt-out and running out of time. I need a plan "B". So if the pixel tree can run stand alone and triggered by S4 that would be great. I'm grabbing at smoke here.

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Granted I don't know the ins and outs of your display, but I can't for the life of me figure out what would be difficult.

No matter how it's done, the programming simply needs to go from 4 to 6. Yes, there is more than one way to do that, but unless there's something really, really, really weird in there it's a simple* conversion.

*Yes, simple is relative.

Please tell me that wasn't a LOR Partner who said they couldn't guarantee it.

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This is an engengineer who uses S6 in their shows. The problem I am having is 18 years of sequences heavily edited, multiple tracks, same names for multiple props and so on. S6 is not acting strange it's doing it's job but it can't sift through the S4 sequences without reorganizing every channel, name and track. The only way everyone who has looked at the problem came to the same conclusion, S4 needs to be rewritten to allow S6 to accept the sequences or to rewite the sequences in S6. This is a rehashing of my problems. I'm look for a work around if none of the above works.

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S6 has some fantastic tools for upgrading S4 to S6.      Sounds like you have already been thru the conversion options and made a choice.    What I did was export my props.   Redraw everything by importing some props redoing others.  Set all the channels and motion channels the way I wanted.   

Then I opened each S4 sequence and also did a create new sequence.   Then I copied the audio file name into the new sequence first,  this sets the song duration.  Then I did a copy paste of each section from to.    I got a pretty good rhythm going with each song taking 10 - 15 minutes. 


I also have two show computers for the same show.  One on S4 and one on S6 and they are linked to each other via a program I wrote.  This is part of MIIP.   The master is S6 with audio which posts the song playing to my server via windows command.  The slave is S4 and silent.  It has a related program which looks for that message and starts its associated sequence by changing the show file when it sees it.   This is not precise but for me it is good enough around 1 -3 seconds lag.  The fact there are two shows is not known to the audience. 

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This sounds like the way to go for my plan "B". I know some IT guys that I can get to help. I also have someone migrating the S4 sequences into S6 and then rewriting them there but it will take until July. I'm going to keep rewriting the S4 sequences in S4. Thanks for letting me know it can be done.

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