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Archive Motion Rows


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Is there a way when you delete motion rows, that it can archive them instead of really deleting them? I know I can do a copy prior, but sometimes at 2am in the morning, I don't think about it.

If I make a change in my preview and save it, there is good chance that I may wipe out portions of a sequence that I have already completed. Archiving the motion rows would be a life saver for such a simple mistake.

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Make sure you save the sequence - WITH A NEW FILENAME - before changing the preview.  That way if the preview change screws something up, you have the prior version saved.  BTW, I never substantially change a preview, I copy the existing and edit that with a new preview name and then assign the new preview to the sequences.  Makes it far easier to go back...


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4 hours ago, gsmith37064 said:

Is there a way when you delete motion rows, that it can archive them instead of really deleting them? I know I can do a copy prior, but sometimes at 2am in the morning, I don't think about it.

When you delete a motion row, an alert will show that says: "The following rows have existing effects. Are you sure you want to delete?" This should be sufficient, even at 2am to give you enough warning. If would be good to get into the habit of deleting unwanted effects first before deleting the motion row. Then that alert won't happen, and it will give you enough warning in the future.

4 hours ago, gsmith37064 said:

If I make a change in my preview and save it, there is good chance that I may wipe out portions of a sequence that I have already completed. Archiving the motion rows would be a life saver for such a simple mistake.

Changing a preview in any way will not cause a motion row in a sequence to be deleted. If you delete the whole prop from the preview, it is changed to an archived prop, and the motion effects are still there. Deleting motion rows in the preview do not cause those motion rows to be deleted in the sequence.

2 hours ago, k6ccc said:

BTW, I never substantially change a preview, I copy the existing and edit that with a new preview name and then assign the new preview to the sequences.

I do something similar, but I copy the preview and then edit the existing preview. This saves me a step of switching to a new preview for every one of the 20+ sequences in the show.

As I have learned the hard way, the only irreversible changes that a preview can make to a sequence is to change a traditional prop into a RGB prop or visa versa, or to reduce the number of channels (nodes) in a prop. Those changes will delete or corrupt channel-level effects, but motion effects will remain.

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