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Is it possible Pixel Tree to Matrix Conversion


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So, I’ve never tried this but got to wondering, can a SS generated pixel tree sequence be converted to a 24x50 matrix? Might as well ask, if the reverse is possible too?

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Yes, the steps are as follows:

In the Sequencer, do "Insert Superstar effect" on the target Prop

After superstar launches

Open the source sequence

Click on "save as" and save it to a new name such as "mySequence_32x50.sup"

Click on the Edit menu and choose "select all"

Click on the Tools menu and choose "Move or Scale Selected Effects"

In the dialog box that appears select "Scale" and set as follows:

source width = (width of the sequence you opened)  dest width = (width of the target prop)

source height = (height of the sequence you opened)   dest height = (height of the target prop)

Click on OK

Play the sequence and it should now fit the target prop

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If the sequence is getting squished then the images will indeed get squished and some of the pixels will get thrown out so the image won't look as good.

It the sequence is getting stretched then some of the image pixels will get stretched and the image will look more blocky. However, if you are going from 16x50 to 24x50 you won't notice the blockieness much. Of course the more you stretch the more you will notice the images becoming blocky.

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