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cleanup older preview design of elements


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Over several years, the show has had several items grown into it. My preview design now has what appears to be duplicate entries for one 12CCR tree w/6 ch star. The line of "Ribbons+6Ch Star" is the element I use in Superstar for creation. It  appears that the "cctree2_group" is the same as "Ribbons+6Ch Star." I don;t directly use any of the "ribbons, or star" elements shown here. Can I safely delete them ?  I think they got created during one or more of the upgrade/conversion process over the past several years.


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The elements in that bluish-purple color are groups, which are collections of props. If you don't use them in your sequences, then it is safe to delete them, but I would make a backup first.

The elements in black are props. You should not delete them if they are members of a group, because then that group would have parts missing. I would assume that "Ribbons 1-12" is a group that contains members "ribbons 1-6" and "ribbons 7-12". If you delete "ribbons 1-6", then those ribbons will not light, even if they were in a group. It's not clear what "Star 1a" is.

Groups and props appear separately in the Sequencer, meaning if you have an effect on a group, then effect will not appear on the row for the individual prop(s) in that group. This makes it fairly easy to scan your sequence to see if you actually use a group or not.

You should feel free to rename your props. For example, I understand what "Right Upper Icicles" is, but not "CMB 04.p1". If you aren't using it in your display, then you should delete it from your preview. You can always add it back later if you add a new prop. If you are using it, then you should use the name of the prop, not the name of the controller, because the channels that a prop uses can be easily changed.

When you modify your preview by deleting a prop, then open an existing sequence that uses that preview, the Sequences will notice that there is a new version of the preview and go through a dialog. If the old sequence does not have any effects on that prop, it will suggest that you delete it from the sequence. If it has one or more effect, then it will suggest that you archive it.

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