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Servo Dog Digital outputs


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I have been using a servo dog for years for my 3-axis skull without issue.  I have decided to try turning on and off an LED with the digital output function.  I redesignated the 5th channel to digital and hooked an LED to the digital output pins 1 (GND) and 5 (channel 5).  I cannot figure out how the make it turn on and off.  It comes on and stays on when i start the sequence.  I will not turn off after that.   The servo dog utility screen allows you to switch the channels from servo to digital to PWM but only allows you test in servo mode.  Cannot find any documentation about using the digital outputs.  Tried turning on and off in the sequence file to no avail.  I must be missing something, I am stumped.  Thank for any help you can render.



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Two things.  First of all, when used as a digital output, the current capacity is VERY low - although a single LED should be OK.  More importantly, on the Digital Outputs header, pin 1 is ground, but pin 5 is not output 5.  Pin 7 is output 5.

Note that you are NOT using the servo header for digital outputs.



Edited by k6ccc
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Thanks for the help it worked like it's supposed to now.  Although I had the LED wired to the output header, I was looking in the manual at the input header for pin layout.  I knew I was doing something wrong.  And yes, I am using a current limiting resistor on the LED.  Happy holidays.



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