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I just purchased a start up set, some extra pixel accessories and some other things. However, I’m looking to add string lights around the house. Are there any specific ones I need to buy to be able to program them or will any RGB smart light strand do?

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You can use anything that your pixel controller supports for protocols/ICs (integrated chips) and at the right voltage. I believe the most popular is WS2811, but many others are usually supported. There are different connectors as well to watch out for. You can always cut them off and solder on different connectors or hard wire directly into the controller. It depends on what you are comfortable with.

Personally I have tried to standardize my display with 12V WS2811 using xconnect pigtails. I also use regulated pixels versus resistors.

But I have others too. It’s just nice to have everything mostly standard so you don’t need extra parts/supplies for each type when you need to fix something.

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Pick a chip type and stick with it   Mix and not  😮 matching is a problem.   K I S S  

A Pixie controller can only run (the setting is for the entire controller) a single chip type out of the list.  Advanced settings do allow per PORT color order setting. But again K I S S 

12V allows for longer cables /strings without the fuss of power inject (Node count per port is still a limit), but the power (Watts) is a bit higher,

I am a fan of idiot  (me 🥴) proofing (when possible). If you do use different voltages, use a different connector family so the chance of  smoke escaping is lower. I also standardized on the x-lights / HC (3 core) for smart (and the HC 4 core for dumb)  For the most part Connectors are NOT interchangeable.  Keying, pin assignments, sex, vary all or the place IMHO stick with sources that deal with our type (Holiday lighters) of use. Less need for adapting.

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I forgot the biggest reason:  Spares. (on hand)

Less verity of lights and equipment, means you have less differences to deal with when something fails.

Different batches of lights may vary by color or intensity.

Replacing a sick power supply needs to fit  where the old one was with a minimum of down time.

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