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Tree to matrix conversion


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Hi crazy guys, as usual I ask you something, knowing that I don't know how to repay me with all of you, who are always ready to share your experiences that I don't have......anyway the only way to repay me could be a lunch or dinner at my house....in Italy.......you will never come home again ;-) Enough talking.....I need if someone can tell me and maybe write to me in detail, if possible, how to bring the 16x50 tree sequences into a 24Lx50H vertical matrix. Thank you......Sorry, this year is the first time I've started to bring out the material in this period, have you already started???? I know many of you use Halloween to get started................thanks in advance

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The 16x50 Pixel Tree is actually a Vertical Matrix with the top pushed closer together.. So it is a matter of re-scaling the effects from 16 to 24 wide... If using LOR Motion effect rows, the effect will re-scale itself on the prop..

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9 hours ago, k6ccc said:

How is the tree sequenced?  By that, I mean, manually in sequencer, as Motion Effects, or in SuperStar?



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That's what I thought I remembered - that you use SuperStar.

In SuperStar select the effects that you need to scale, then on the menu, Tools > Move or Scale Selected Effects.  On the popup that comes up, select Scale (about  a third of the way down).  Then enter source height and width (16 x 50 in your case), and Destination height and width (24 x 50 in your case), and then OK at the bottom.  Note that SuperStar will warn you about not being able to undo this, so recommend saving. 

You may need to manually tweek a few things to make it look right,but this will get it started.


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3 ore fa, k6ccc ha detto:

Questo è quello che pensavo di ricordare: usi SuperStar.

In SuperStar seleziona gli effetti che desideri ridimensionare, quindi nel menu Strumenti > Sposta o ridimensiona effetti selezionati. Nel popup che appare, seleziona Scala (circa un terzo della discesa). Quindi inserisci l'altezza e la larghezza di origine (16 x 50 nel tuo caso) e l'altezza e la larghezza di destinazione (24 x 50 nel tuo caso), quindi OK in basso. Tieni presente che SuperStar ti avviserà dell'impossibilità di annullare l'operazione, quindi consiglia di salvare. 

Potrebbe essere necessario modificare manualmente alcune cose per farlo sembrare corretto, ma questo lo farà iniziare.


Thanks Jim, I'll try!!!

Edited by Pioerpaolo
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Hi Jim, I did as you advised me, it's a bloodbath, I can't understand how to put it properly, I think in the end I'll make a 16x50 matrix and copy the tree sequence onto it without many frills. If you have any advice I can keep trying otherwise thanks anyway, you are always at the top in sharing your experiences.

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On 9/11/2023 at 6:17 PM, k6ccc said:

That's what I thought I remembered - that you use SuperStar.

In SuperStar select the effects that you need to scale, then on the menu, Tools > Move or Scale Selected Effects.  On the popup that comes up, select Scale (about  a third of the way down).  Then enter source height and width (16 x 50 in your case), and Destination height and width (24 x 50 in your case), and then OK at the bottom.  Note that SuperStar will warn you about not being able to undo this, so recommend saving. 

You may need to manually tweek a few things to make it look right,but this will get it started.


Hi Jim, I did as you advised me, it's a bloodbath, I can't understand how to put it properly, I think in the end I'll make a 16x50 matrix and copy the tree sequence onto it without many frills. If you have any advice I can keep trying otherwise thanks anyway, you are always at the top in sharing your experiences.
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Let me see if I can throw together a short video.  It's actually quite easy to scale effects in SuperStar...


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22 ore fa, k6ccc ha detto:

Vediamo se riesco a mettere insieme un breve video. In realtà è abbastanza semplice ridimensionare gli effetti in SuperStar...


I did as you told me, and honestly I had written down something years ago to climb trees from 16x50 to 16x30, but in the end it turns out to be a mess, anyway thanks again

Edited by Pioerpaolo
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I got tied up yesterday and did not get a chance to make a quick video, but my afternoon is open so should get a video for you in a few hours.


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OK, here is a simple (crappy) video that shows scaling data originally for a 12 x 50 pixel tree to become a 26 x 100 pixel tree.  The S6 Preview has the tree set to 26 x 100, but the sequencing data is 12 x 50. After scaling the data, the entire 26 x 100 pixel tree has sequencing.



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On 9/20/2023 at 11:19 PM, k6ccc said:

OK, here is a simple (crappy) video that shows scaling data originally for a 12 x 50 pixel tree to become a 26 x 100 pixel tree.  The S6 Preview has the tree set to 26 x 100, but the sequencing data is 12 x 50. After scaling the data, the entire 26 x 100 pixel tree has sequencing.



jim, I don't know how to thank you, I'll try these days, then I'll let you know, I didn't want to bother you so much, you're in my heart for the work you've done, you're great and thank you.

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As I recall you use you use a translator from I assume Italian to English for the forum.  My narration on the video is of course in English, so hopefully you can either understand it or find someone who can explain or translate it to Italian for you.


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  • 1 month later...
On 9/23/2023 at 6:46 PM, k6ccc said:

As I recall you use you use a translator from I assume Italian to English for the forum.  My narration on the video is of course in English, so hopefully you can either understand it or find someone who can explain or translate it to Italian for you.


Hi Jim, I've almost finished the technical part of the show, so I'm trying my hand at the sequences. I already knew your way of climbing trees, among other things I saved it in writing so I wouldn't forget. I had to do it to convert .SUPs from 50 pixels in height to 30 pixels, right at the "start of careers" hahaha. Now unfortunately, I'm trying and trying again, but the sequence doesn't work well for me, when the scaling window opens, obviously I put 16 in the width of the original and 50 in the height, then, in the data fields on the right I tried different ways to the destination, in this case I don't know what to put. I tried 12 and 24 for the width and 50 and 100 for the height, i.e., 24x50, 24x100 12x50 and 12x100, but nothing good comes out. Can you tell me what data to enter so I can try again??? Thank you

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Hi Jim, I solved it. I climbed the 16x50 tree into 24x50 and made a matrix by hand by reversing the direction of travel of the even lines. It works in the preview, hopefully now even when I attach the 2 50 LED strips together, in case I try with the zig zag. I don't know.

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